My BassworldSports experience

  • pitbull
    Too far from the river
    Posts: 485

    Yup My part time partner and I decided to jump in and fish this BassWorld Sports deal……..I must say it was an experience

    The tourny director doesn’t get there till 5:45AM yup safe light is at least 5:30AM…….After a wake up call from a stand up staff member he decides to make his apperance …nutting like a room full of guys waiting to sign up and fish…I guess he wants it to be like the E-50 and 10-6 tourny …….it’s a good thing that most of the fisherman have done this a time or two and already had their boats in and what not

    Well at about 6:30AM and the mayhem at the check thing we finally get to go fishing……only to have our day end at 9:30am due to a fuel pump malfunction…we had a limit within 45minutes but figured we didn’t have enough to win so My partner got a ride to get the trailer and we called it quits around 11:30am to get the boat to the shop!!

    Fun day…urine poor as this thing is ran…fisherman keep on fishing this thing

    That’s my take on the deal!!

    Posts: 13

    “After a wake up call from a stand up staff member”

    You call him everything but that when we speak

    BTW what does your other part time partner think of this so call stand up guy???

    Posts: 90

    I agree, the delay was disappointing, but this is the first time in three years I remember Rick being late. He generally does a really good job.

    Lots of good fish came in. Too bad Spring Lake is the only spot on the pool that cranks out nice bags. They might as well hold pool 13 tournaments at the campground and call it the Spring Lake circuit.

    Posts: 315

    i was in pool 13 yesterday riding around in my john boat with only one keeper to show for my efforts i was wondering why at 215 the tourney boats were finally leaving spring lake (i tried to stay out of the way)
    what was the winning weight and big fish also what were most of the fish caught on? i seen at least 18 boats in one area in spring lake and alot had limits i guess

    i have a little club tournoment up there saturday 12 boats just looking for a little info othr then fish the stumps in spring lake thats pretty obvious lol nothing like fishing boat to boat

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    I have to admit that I fished a tourney with BWS that was very upsetting. The just of it was that there were 20 guys with bags full of fish waiting for up to 30 minutes in 90 degree temps. I actually watched fish start turning belly up in the weigh in line. If I had known that it was going to be such a hodge podge I would have left my fish in the livewell. The guys running tourneys need to make the chages in order to keep these fish alive and have a well run tournament. just an fyi, the MN federation had over a hudred boats in a 2 day tourney with ZERO dead fish.
    This is the expectation.

    Too far from the river
    Posts: 485


    I agree, the delay was disappointing, but this is the first time in three years I remember Rick being late.

    Not according to most of the guys i’ve talked too..he’s done it a few times and if he’s run the circuit up north he’s done it there as well…instead drinking all night and taking a nap he oughta just stay up and show up on time

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