I heard through the grape vine that Crystal Pierz Marine in the cities was looking for some pro staff for the Bass circuit this year. Has anyone heard anything on this??

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I think good, progressive dealers are always looking for more pro-staff members to help them sell more boats (which is the name of the game)
I have heard that most boat dealers have had tremendous sales at the boat shows this year.
Good Luck.
Eric Naig
How would one go about getting on the pro staff? My partner and I are fishing the MTT this year and maybe a pro am or two. I would appreciate any information you guys could provude as far as becoming part of the pro staff.
Red Rock Eyes:
All pro-staff positions start with the dealer……find yourself one you like and trust and build the relationship from there.
A dealer standing behind you is more important than tournament wins, etc. in regards to pro-staff.
You need to prove to the dealer how you can help him sell more boats and create exposure for his dealership and products. If you can do that, most would be happy to put you on their pro-staff.
Good Luck!
Eric Naig
Thanks Eric,
My partner and I are getting some marketing info together and will be stopping by a few dealers in the next couple of weeks.
Again thanks for the advice.
Hey Todd, stop and see Gerry Warner, at Warner’s Dock in New Richmond. Warner’s has 6 pro staff members now, but they are always willing to help any who can help them. Tell him Ken S. sent you.
Here’s my experience with boat sponsorship: It’s indeed designed to sell boats to the public, but it’s also designed to sell boats for the marina to the “prostaff.” Do you see that? I didn’t either -at first.
You will be WAY ahead if you simply remove from your noggin at this very moment any further notion of boat sponsorship at this point in your carrer.
Here’s why: Call any boat dealership in the US that sells the boat you’re interested in. Now price the ride you want. Write that dealer’s name and # down… I’ll just get to the point: the # you’ll get as a new pro on a new ride will be the same IF NOT MORE than what John Q. Public will pay for that very same ride.
Look, I really urge you to buy a USED ride.
You can get a hell-of-a used ride for $20,000 (you can a great ride for even $15,000)… Why spend $30,000 or more? If you just gotta spend it, order good rods and reels instead.
Hey, just my $.05, bud. But I cannot tell you how many times this conversation comes up in hotel rooms along a given circuit.
I promise this: if you begin to win on the level of the consistent top 20, you’ll get the deal you may have thought that new “prostaff” get. What’s more, you’ll probably WIN the boat you were wantin’ to buy!
I’m indeed sorry if I’ve come accross as arrogant. I was just tryin’ to save you and your buddy a whole lot of time and energy as well as money.
Oh, and that business of financing your ride for a year and then selling it at the end of the season… DON’T bank on it.
Hey, some folks do it. Some folks go bankrupt.
It’s all a matter of your longevity. Do you want to be in this sport for a long time, putting your self in a position to win, or do you want to go broke tryin’ to get to the top?
I know quite few guys who have a financial nightmare, and I know guys who had a financial nightmare, learned the hard way, and are out there now, kickin’ some butt.
I’m not aware of a sponsorship program that is put together to rip off a pro-staff member. If you are able to help the dealer sell a few boats and make connections, they will remember you well when you need a boat. I know in fact that the Ranger Boats pro-staff members get a better deal than John Q. Public, and all Rangers must go through a dealer. Just my 2 cents…
On the Water is exactly right. If you would go into a dealership and try to get a “Pro Staff” deal on a boat, it is more or less going to be a small discount off FULL retail in which no bonuses or consumer discounts are applicable to. IE, Ranger gives 6% off retail, yes 6% off full retail and now they do not rig pro-staff boats with some of the “standard” electronics: trolling motor and garmin fishfinder. So if John Q. Public were to walk in and hassle a deal with the sales people, he will get a BETTER deal than some pro-staff guys do, plus he will not be obligated to help out at certain “promotions” like boat shows and such that the dealer will have. Either save some money and buy a used boat, or if you want a new one, buy one, there are a lot of extended warranty promo’s on motors and special incentives on new Rangers.
The Crystal-Pierz Pro-Staff well, it ANYONE can be on it if they buy an old FLW Sponsor boat. It is designed to sell ugly boats and make you feel better thinking you got a “Pro-
Staff” deal. Like OnTheWater said, fish your way up the ladder, win a boat, or wait until you’ll get a REAL deal. If you have any questions, send me a PM.
Hmm. Odd that you should mention that boat company.
If you know for a “fact” then you’ve attended your area meeting and have your boat deal for this year, or you still have your ride from last year or the year before; if you’ve not attended and don’t have a deal, then I’d have to believe you don’t know for a “fact.”
Not trying to split hairs here; rather I am trying to inform those who are looking for “deals” so they don’t get taken.
I’ll pose the question: was I taken? Almost, but I had done some prepatory homework so I knew what to expect, or what was acceptable and what was not.
I truly hope this helps someone out.
I have done the pro-staff boat deal before, infact I did it twice. And I will tell you that if you do your home work and search the web you can tons of money on a new or slightly used boat. Let me give you an example. I have a friend who bought a 22 SS Extreme Stratos with a 225 Evinrude completely loaded to the max bass boat down in Indiana last spring for $16,000 bucks. And this boat was a non current brand new never off the trailer fully warranteed rig. Now this boat had a MSRP of $47,000.00 new. I bought my boat in Florida last year, and I saved at least $10,000.00 dollars on it. So I guess there is nothing wrong with trying for some sponsorship, but the reality guys is all you really get are a few shirts a hat and a jacket. You can do better if you happen to sell afew boats for your dealer, but beleive me it aint easy.
OnTheWater, I think there was a little confusion here. The Pro-Staff deal I was describing was the national staff, not a local dealership staff. As Ross mentioned, with special promotions and incentives going on right now, now is a great time to get a pretty good buy on a boat. Perhaps the best deal out there is to find a pro-staffer who is looking to pre-sell his boat prior to ordering.
I have to agree with Bait Caster (Ken) here. The gloss of a pro-staff deal can be lost quickly depending on dealer and how many boats you are perceived to have sold. A lot of headache for very little real savings in the wallet. Do your homework on the web for real savings. Lots of good new or used boats on the market all the time.
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