What is the biggest or longest MS River largemouth bass you have personally seen or heard of from a reliable source? Pool 4 though the southern border.

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IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Mississippi River » Mississippi River – Bass » Biggest MS River Largemouth?
This would be a good question for Cade. I have always heard that down on the river they grow smaller than they do in the lakes. But i could be wrong. This will be interesting to follow
8 lbs 24 inches p4 my pb I also have a friend that caught a 9 plus on p 10
8 lbs 24 inches p4 my pb I also have a friend that caught a 9 plus on p 10
The state record is in the uppr 8lbs so how would friend get a 9 plus? Are these actually scaled or not? From my experience river fish that are that long don’t weigh as much as a lake fish would. You gotta remember that the State Record caught by Mark Raveling, his son Shane is a friend of us Bartusek’s, was 24 in long and it was incredibly fat. Just my 2 cents.
If you have pics we would love to see those! I have a 7lb 2oz and a 7lb 6oz in my life so far.
The state record is in the uppr 8lbs so how would friend get a 9 plus?
Look at his location
Thats my bad! I just checked pool 10 is in Iowa. I’m sorry!
Picutres of that 8 and 9 would be sweet though! I love seein hog bass.
Something to consider. I have seen a number of would be records released. An example of this is the number of BIG sauger caught on pool 4, but let go to be caught another day.
I also wish I could see pics of an 8 lber from pool 4. A 9 lber just seems outrageous. Without a picture a claim like that is pretty difficult to believe. Heck it should even require a link to a newspaper clipping. The river fish get fat enough that it could feasibly happen. But I have never heard of anything over about 7 lbs caught off the river. and even that one was caught in a place where you’d never get a boat from the river, or even a kayak for that matter.
If you have pics we would love to see those! I have a 7lb 2oz and a 7lb 6oz in my life so far.
Adam you should post pics of those just for scale…
The river seems like such a fertile fishery when compared to most lakes. I have always wondered why the average size of bass seems smaller on the MS River while other species like walleye bluegills crappies perch etc all seem to be larger than whats available in most lakes.
What gives? I swear I’ve seen 100 boat tournaments that don’t even weigh one bass over 5lbs on the river. Throw a tournament on nearly any decent bass lake in MN you will reliably see multiple fish over 5lbs at the scales.
I might be making generalizations, but if you fish the river a lot you know what I am talking about.
That H Mong caught a 7-4 three years ago now on pool 4. The picture is up at Joe’s sporting goods, Perry Vang I believe is the name of the guy. It does look every bit of 7-4. Very nice looking and fat fish. I’ve fished A LOT in the southern half of MN and caught a bunch of fish from 6 to 6 12 but never a verified 7. I did release one that I’m sure was over 7 and lost one in the fall of 2011 that was pushing 8+. Still brings a tear to my eye
6.29 from pool 4 or 5…I can’t remember for sure
to put it in perspective, the fish in my left hand was pushing 4 and the one that is sideways on the far left is over over 4.
And, no I wasn’t that excited, I think I had car keys in my pouch pocket of my sweatshirt
I don’t know forsure why the guys here in Iowa don’t take as many pictures as the fishermen up north do, maybe its that you’ll just have to believe us or maybe so its we can stretch the truth a little more, who knows? I never did take pictures and the guys I know that fish alot don’t eigther. Jerry’s the only one I know who takes a picture once in awhile with his cell phone, the last one he showed me from around here he wanted a guess on a huge walleye his nephew had just caught, it was noticeably bigger then 12 pounds, maybe 13 to 14lbs. All the guys I fish with don’t or have they ever lied about any fish they caught, or any that thier friends have caught,,,that I know of.
That H Mong
Hmoung…. aka H Mong. Emphasis on the silent H.
I know that John Stears AKA RiverFan pulled a 7lb. out of a pool 5a backwater. He and I both had scales and hit the mark. It was a very Nice fish. An 8lb-er would be a BEAST from this area!
My PB is 5-12 LM caught last year with GWalker. 30 minutes earlier my buddy caught a 6-02 within a few hundred yards of us…I’ve personally seen 7+ pounders come from the river….and don’t doubt the rare 8+ pounders are out there….
I have a large mouth on my wall that came out of pool 6 on April 18 2001. It weighted in at 8lbs 7oz (certified scale). It was 23 3/4 inches long and 21 7/8 inch girth. Caught on a double willow leaf spinner bait Chartreuse 1/2 oz.
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