Barking Dogs

  • trophy19
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 1206

    I know this subject is trivial in the grand scheme of things, but wonder if anyone has a good solution for barking dogs. Live in suburbia with tons of dog owners, 98% of which are responsible and good neighbors. Guess it’s just a coincidence that the other 2% are driving the neighborhood nuts this spring with their dogs barking day and night a) every time they see another dog being walked on the street or bike paths, b) boredom or c) who knows why.

    Certainly, talking to owners (the real issue) or reporting the issue to local police are options; I’m just curious if there anyone has a good way to distract or spook the offending dogs (German shepherds / ankle biters / labs) to stopping barking; no intentions of injuring dogs or personal property.

    Just wondering if anyone has a great idea before initiating the options above as the owners will likely not be very cooperative.


    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    Our city’s animal control handles dog complaints. I’ve called them the one time we had an issue in the neighborhood and a visit from them seemed to get the message across.

    I’m not a fan of talking to the owners myself. People who recommend this as the friendly first step have usually never actually had to do it. In a case like dogs barking, the owners know damn well it’s going on, so if they really cared, it wouldn’t be happening in the first place.


    Elk River, MN
    Posts: 213

    I’m a big fan of dogs; I have little patience for irresponsible dog owners.

    15 years ago I had a neighbor dog run into my yard and grab my new puppy by the neck like a rag doll, giving it the death shake. Luckily I was there to stop it.

    I told him if his dog ever came into my yard again, he’d need a shovel to bring it home. We don’t drink many beers together.

    The only way to stop a dog from barking is some kind of stimulus, which will make you out to be the bad guy, which you aren’t; the owners of the animal are. You shouldn’t have to put yourself in that position.

    I think you should make the phone call to the police.

    If you live in Maple Grove, I’m sure there are city codes for dealing with nuisance animals.

    Good luck

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    I’m not a fan of talking to the owners myself. People who recommend this as the friendly first step have usually never actually had to do it. In a case like dogs barking, the owners know damn well it’s going on, so if they really cared, it wouldn’t be happening in the first place.

    X2 Just call the city. That’s what you pay taxes for.


    See or refer to Section 6-11


    SE Metro
    Posts: 5557

    I’ve heard the ultrasonic devices work well. Also, the owners could turn on a radio and draw curtains closed so the dogs are more secluded when they are home alone and might bark less. Not allowing the dogs access to the front room would also prevent them from seeing passerbys (like the mailman) and barking at them. As for barking dogs when the owner is home, there’s not much you can do besides ask the owners to take care of their dog, and report to police if they don’t comply.

    We had a family in our neighborhood with a barking yipper dog who would yip all afternoon while they were home and the kids were even outside playing! We had enough of that and Billy hollered (respectfully) to the kids that leaving a dog bark incessantly is against city ordinance and we’d hate to have to get their parents and police involved… they started minding the dog right then and there and haven’t had troubles since. I’m thankful we got lucky with them being receptive to the warning of parents and police.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    I volunteer at the local animal shelter if it is doable we carry a spray bottle with water in it, any time a dog barks they get sprayed works like a champ.

    We had a new neighbor move in and we are in the country they were our closest neighbor about a 1/4 mile away. There dog barked all day long finally called the township president did not take long it was quiet out side.

    Posts: 6687

    My neighbor has 3 f’n yippers they like to let sit outside and bark all dam day. Is really like to buy them 3 bark collars.

    Put them in their mailbox with a note “for your 3 dogs”
    Is that Out of line? Or even remotely effective?

    Posts: 756

    They work. After while you just have to put it on them and they get the message.

    I had a GSH some years beck and I had to put one on here. One day she was on the deck and she shook her head and she dropped like a ton of bricks. I did feel sorry for her.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    we carry a spray bottle with water in it, any time a dog barks they get sprayed works like a champ.

    My dog would be your new best friend. He LOVES the spray bottle of water…But I also didn’t hear my dog make a peep until he was almost 1 1/2 years old…and even then, he only barks when playing with others dogs. I sometimes think my dog is defective…

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Call the police. If you talk to them yourself and that doesn’t work they will know who called the police later. It’s not worth the confrontation and possible bad blood between neighbors. Let the authorities handle it.

    Posts: 24606

    Bark collars work and yes they are very effective. I bought one that has an automatic mode which gives a slight stimulus the first time, but keeps ratcheting it up if the barking continues.
    The biggest thing I hate is barking dogs. The ONLY times my dogs had ever barked were if there was something in the yard, person, another dog/cat OR we got home from work after a long day since our dogs are outside.
    I never felt the need for a collar because it was so infrequent but last Spring my crabby neighbor texts me to quiet the barking dog. I was outside at the time and all he was doing was a little whining. I was so ticked at her since she couldn’t tolerate a little bit of whining and NOT barking that I text her back “GET OVER IT”. You see, they are intolerant to anything that goes on around them, yet they don’t have the common sense to realize that things they do irritate others. Case in point, turning on the leaf blower every morning at 6 AM to blow the leaves away from the front door or the air compressor that is running constantly in the back shed.
    I would be irate too if there was an obnoxiously barking dog. Something I cannot stand. This situation just made me so angry. Sorry for the rant.

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 1206

    Thanks everyone.

    There are a few videos on Youtube re: building your own cheap high pitched (>20KHz) amplifier w/ PCV pipe and $5 piezo speakers.

    Rainy weekend coming up – might be building my “Bark Bazooka”….


    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Thanks everyone.

    There are a few videos on Youtube re: building your own cheap high pitched (>20KHz) amplifier w/ PCV pipe and $5 piezo speakers.

    Rainy weekend coming up – might be building my “Bark Bazooka”….


    OMG, I want a full report and pictures!!

    I’ve kept my mouth shut because I don’t have any real good advice that hasn’t been shared. I do know if it were my dog and I wasn’t aware of the issue, I sure would want to know about it, but I’d say that each situation is different. We’re lucky that my wife works from home, so if Ripley is barking, we know about it. )

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