Bait/lure size

  • AUTO_5
    Mendota Heights, MN
    Posts: 660

    Hey guys. This time of year do walleyes prefer bigger or smaller baits? I know that with the low water temps fish want a slow presentation(right?). My guess would be big and slow is key. That way they don’t have to expend as much energy and they get a bigger meal. Or should I downsize and keep it slow? Thanks much!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Don’t under estimate what they eat. Your talking walleyes, not guppies. I’ll down size if the bite is soft where they just nip at a bait. But if they are thump’n it, I throw bigger baits.

    1. DSCN4318-1023x1280.jpg

    2. DSCN4299-1280x960.jpg

    3. DSCN4310.jpg

    Tyler Schulz
    Posts: 18

    I watched a you tube video were a 30.5 in walleye smashed a 10in musky bait with snow on the ground in the video. I can tell you, in the past Iv cought 27.28in eyes with big shad still in their mouth. Now, some of the moon eye shad in that river are huge. I’m not saying go up their and start whipping musky baits around, but most of the guys up there are focused on blade baits an plastics from who Iv talked to. In my opinion, I’d like to see one guy take a chance, instead of pitching blade baits or 3 in plastics, pitch or pull a gold or silver red eye or a bigger bait, Most of the reports are males being cought, and someone might pop a pig or 2 but, in my opinion if those big girls are feeding on the shad, those blade baits are a snack to them. Take it however you what. I know some guys in here would disagree but, I’m no pro.
    good luck with whatever presentation you use.

    Mendota Heights, MN
    Posts: 660

    Thanks guys and randy those are some nice shots. They inhaled those baits like BK inhales SPAM )

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Those were “cold water” spring shots. Water temps were about mid 40s on the daytime pics. Casting a clam bed in 9 to 12 fow. Fish were rising up about 2 to 6 feet from the surface to hit

    Western and Central, NY
    Posts: 440

    I find the fish like the smaller baits due to the fact the much of the forage base is immature and smaller in the spring

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I would think that the juvenile forage wouldn’t show up until May or June. I’ve always had better success with bigger baits this early.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Friends of mine were trolling Green Bay pre-spawn eyes in the storm. (out in the Bay). The smallest baits they pulled was a #7 shad Rap and #12 Husky Jerks. They did incredible.

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