
  • John waskey
    Posts: 8

    First year bear hunting, just wondering what the best methods are and what’s best to use? I’m in Minnesota so cannot use animal carcasses

    east bethel
    Posts: 436

    Freshen baits in the middle of the day. Usually being somewhat close to water helps( this year is am exception cause there is water every where). I sit 50 of a river, bears will.use these as travel corridors.
    If you cant bait every day
    I would use something that is “rain proof” such as candies nuts ect. I only have time to bait on the weekends so i use anything sweet/salty that will hold up to rain.

    Where are you located? If your close to cambridge lucky 7 is a good place for good bait.

    Bob Schultz
    Posts: 772

    Get some sort of spray scent to get the baits fired up. I use liquid smoke, mixed with a bit of fryer grease. It helps the smoke stick to vegetation and every time it rains it will almost refreshes the scent. For bait, I like to use granola & cookies. In my experience, if there are other baits around, they won’t eat sugar cones. Avoid candy hearts & cigarettes, gummy bears & pie fillings unless you don’t mind dealing with bees. Get into somewhere thick, so they are comfortable hitting in the daylight. Near water is good. Beaver ponds, creeks, etc. Good luck. Post some pics!

    Posts: 1811

    Soak feminine hygiene napkins in liquid smoke, hang from tree. PS take down when done. DK.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    Fish guts. Gunny sake. Hang high in tree.

    chawn clough
    Posts: 23

    Anyone else having issues getting bear to there baits with all the acorns and berries ?

    Rogers / Grand Rapids
    Posts: 561

    Anyone else having issues getting bear to there baits with all the acorns and berries ?

    Although I don’t have proof it was bear, something hit my bait Saturday, Sunday & Monday night. Took the logs (not huge) out of the barrel to at least nibble on my bait. Crew (dad & cousin) refilled and stuffed logs back in there each time. Cousin left on Tuesday so I won’t know until Friday AM if whatever it is stuck around. Will also grab the camera chip at that time. Last Thursday the berry supply was running low in the usual spots. Also helps that we have never baited before so this is new to the bears.

    Can’t wait to see what did the digging around! FYI – Grand Rapids area

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