Of all of the gadgets I have, I’m still old school with my minnows
I have a 5 gallon and 2 gallon Gatorade jug. Screw on tops with some petroleum jelly.
Used to use those loud/clunky D battery aerators, but switched to a rechargeable whisper quiet Amazon one that’s fricken awesome. I don’t use it very often, but do when I have a lot of minnows or going for longer than just a day trip.
The aerator hose slips through the spout on the 2 gallon, and I have a small hole drilled though the top of the 5 gallon.
That said, if I’m just going out for a short trip and don’t anticipate needing a ton of minnows, I throw a couple dozen crappie minnows/fatheads in a 32oz wide-mouth Thermos for the day. Takes up very little room and is super lightweight/convenient.

