Labdaddy, curious where you live? Have you ever seen a wolf? Are you a deer hunter?
If you live in a metropolitan area, never seen a wolf in the wild, and/or don’t deer hunt…then your reply wasn’t worth the time to even read.
That’d be like me giving my wife advice about menstruation
Yes have seen wolves and called them into within 150 yds when predator calling in ely. I don’t predator hunt anymore but will not hesitate to shoot a coyote messing with my dog. Or livestock if I had any. But wolves are a different ballgame than coyotes or bobcats. Or foxes.
And yes deer hunter. Haven’t in a handful of years but I get it and would like to get back into it, especially archery.
Maybe I’m a bit of a hypocrite. I don’t have direct experience with wolves and yotes effing with livestock. If they’re eating stock and pets(not natural prey) and it’s your livelihood vs theirs I can understand it. But I do know a Labrador, poodle, and Malinois are not native to this environment.
I had close relatives and friends getting pissed at me for saying I’d shoot a wolf or yote but it didn’t really bother me. I respect wild native predators a lot; bobcats/cougars, wolves, foxes, and even coyotes. They need to make a living(maybe even a killing…) Same with brown and black bears. Unless they are directly messing with my own livestock or pets or myself. Then yeah take care of the problem animal.
Again, not saying they don’t demand our respect because they do. I would still stick one if it messes with my way of life but only to a certain degree.
There are some shows about Yellowstone’s reintroduction that really prove(IMO) what an integral part of the system wolves are. I’ll have to dig up the links. I didn’t understand this as a kid and teenager but now it makes a lot of sense.
I also have a giant love/hate relationship with beavers (just like nhamm) as a river guy but I respect them. Old timers in deer camp would say kill ‘em all but ope not for me. One of them even tried to convince me to kill a fisher. Oof.
No disrespect meant and maybe I’m missing something, but these are just my honest thoughts.