FinnyDinDin, we live right on the edge where 30,000+/- acres of forested land meets thousands of acres of agriculture.
Our property literally is the edge, half hardwoods and half ag. It should be a deer hunter’s paradise, but we’re in area 183.
It’s a one deer limit, with 100 lottery tags for the zone.
If this same property were in say Polk County, WI we’d see 25-50 deer in the cornfield every evening, AND have UNLIMITED tags. A dream property to own and manage.
But here we see two deer in the field on a good evening. Usually none, and very few tracks. The ones we do see bed less than 100 yards from the house.
It’s not habitat. It’s not hunter over-harvest. It’s a dwindling deer population with too many predators.
All of my neighbors say deer hunting was much better in the past before wolves moved in. Nearly every field used to have a herd of deer in them, now 1 in 10 might have a deer or two. They say it’s nothing like it used to be.
Are wolves 100% the problem? No. But they’re sure as hell a huge part of it.
Coyotes, winter, bears and hunters surely take their toll too, but before wolves arrived the deer population was sustainable/thriving against those factors.