If you really wanted deer populations to have an increase…maybe close hunting for a season? This years harvest in Minnesota was 143,176. hold that for a year and there should be a good bounce back right?
I sort of agree to this except have a season on the wolves to bring their numbers in check, say set a quota at 143,174 wolves. We don’t need more than 2 here.
Honestly, I can see where wolves have a place in the eco system, however I also see the need to tightly control their number. Minnesota’s wolf numbers are way out of whack. Not only do wolves prey heavily on the deer herd, they hit the moose population as well. When was the last moose hunt held here? Granted, the moose have other parasitic stuff to deal with, but if the calves were safe, the wolf numbers in check, the population might grow enough to actually open a season again.
Weather and climate have always been a factor in deer number so that can be set aside. The car/deer collision stuff is a factor since there are way more vehicles on the highway, but here in the SE I see car kills all the time and in some areas I see multiple carcasses. These same areas still have a lot of deer. Lots of deer. However, with the deer herd, we cannot compare the northern 1/3 of the state with the southern third. The middle of the state holds its own. If one looks at the northern third as compared to the southern third, the only real variable is the wolf numbers.
I think our DNR needs to get upper management personnel that actually hunt deer and see/understand the conflict between deer numbers and wolf numbers. I think our DNR need to belly up and fight the feds who constantly give in to the green sector. Minnesota should not have a wolf season canceled by some judge in Georgia or wherever the last cancel job came from. And Minnesota’s government should give any and all pro wolf special interests lobbys right off the capital grounds.
We have cabin property north of Two Harbors. When we see deer in the yard every day and during the day, we hear no wolves howling. When the wolves howl in the evening, deer are seldom seen at all. Every year while there at the cabin we get people stop by and ask about the wildlife and where they might go to hear wolves howl…. they’re all tourists. I tell them they have to get out of their cars and get into the wilderness. Of course I’m lying but that’s how I envision wolves in this state.
Until individual states are allowed to determine what is a healthy wolf population without the green people of fed intervention the northern deer herd is going to take a beating, and the most troublesome aspect of that is the wolf range is constantly sinking southward.