Backyard trapping- So much fun!

  • B-man
    Posts: 6647

    The boys talked me into making them some snares again this winter. They told me we have too many rabbits and they are eating our trees and bushes.

    They had spots all scouted out, and showed me EXACTLY where to set them mrgreen

    The first night a rabbit got out, the next day they got a squirrel, and overnight last night they successfully got a rabbit. They were so excited, and told me he was a “Scout”.

    “The Scouts are the oldest, smartest and strongest, and WE GOT HIM DAD!!!!”

    So proud of the kids and love seeing how much they enjoy it. Last night they had squirrel and seasoned rice. Tomorrow the rabbit is on the menu.

    If you have young kids at home and critters in the yard, I highly suggest giving it a shot.

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    Posts: 4802

    Man we should do that at our house. We would have a rabbit every night. Looks fun for the kids too! Wonder what the neighbors would think haha

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22200

    Thats awesome man. Those boys are great. What good way to spend time together. We have cats, so dead rabbits at our house is a daily occurrence. At least it used to be. Not many around now.

    Posts: 877

    Very cool, it’s nice to see kids that have something to do beside sit on their video games.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19026

    I just told my wife yesterday I should do that! It would be easy at first. They have well developed trails to our crabapple tree. I’m afraid they might make a racket and attract the wrong attention from a neighbor.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13916

    toast toast toast toast toast toast

    Man that is so awesome. I can only imagine how much they’ll talk about those dinners!!!

    Posts: 3319

    That is so cool B-man! I love your boys and their adventures! waytogo waytogo
    You are an awesome Dad. applause

    Posts: 68

    This is awesome!


    Posts: 6647

    Thanks for the kind words guys. The boys love doing it.

    It’s the first thing they do in the morning and the first thing they check when they get home mrgreen

    Seriously give it a try, it doesn’t get any easier. All you need is a swivel and some wire (like 50lb sevenstrand). I have a huge spool and will send some to anyone who wants some for free.

    I will say though it’s REALLY important to check them twice a day…..

    Last year we may or may not have snared the neighbor’s Chihuahua (unharmed)…. rotflol rotflol

    tip of the mitten
    Posts: 412

    this kind of thing puts a smile on my face. i love to see kids enjoying nature and making lifelong memories with their dad. it’s making my eyes leak now recalling the fun memories i made with my dad in the great outdoors.


    Posts: 2853

    Way to go boys i love that they are so into the outdoors.
    Good job B-man.

    Bismarck, ND
    Posts: 610

    I’m not too familiar with snaring – do the animals strangle themselves with the snare, or do you need to kill them once snared?

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6754

    Last year we may or may not have snared the neighbor’s Chihuahua (unharmed)…

    Thanks for the laugh Bman. Your boys are awesome!! waytogo

    Posts: 24726

    That is a big boy of a rabbit! I usually dispatch my rabbits with the pellet gun, but the ones remaining are getting pretty smart and I dont see them in daylight very often anymore. Might need a snare because they set up camp under my shed. I just worry about trapping something unintended like the neighbor’s cat!

    Snake ii’s
    Posts: 551

    I cannot stress the importance of checking any trap regularly to release un wanted catch. Snares pose a different hazard as the “occupant” does not survive for any length of time.

    Posts: 6647

    I’m not too familiar with snaring – do the animals strangle themselves with the snare, or do you need to kill them once snared?

    Wild animals usually don’t last too long in them because they fight it.

    I only know of two instances of dogs being caught (once with me, and once with a buddy and his neighbors dog years ago). Both times the dogs were fine. I think it’s because most dogs are used to being on a leash, and won’t fight the snare like a wild animal. I have no experience with cats in a snare.

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