Backyard Rink

  • Ripjiggen
    Posts: 12931

    Nice we were back at it NYE. Took a beating over the weekend.

    Posts: 24734

    This weather looks to allow for the rinks to heal up real well with some love for all you guys added in.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3152

    We have a pond in our backyard now so the ice is super nice after that melt.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3152

    Spent a couple hours schooling the neighborhood kids in some hockey waytogo

    Posts: 12931

    Spent a couple hours schooling the neighborhood kids in some hockey waytogo

    Ha love walking little kids in hockey. They think you are Gretzky or something.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3152

    I mean im basically as good jester

    Wright County
    Posts: 3152

    …little sore if im honest coffee

    Posts: 19590

    I’m thinking of building a backyard rink next year, Do you guys flood with your house’s exterior hose spigot (if so, how do you protect it from freezing?) or do you run a hose into the house and fill from your hot water tank? (assuming its in the basement)

    We also have several ponds within a short walking distance from my home, is that always the better option even though lighting isn’t possible outside of battery operated and I would need to auger a hole and setup a portable pump system to flood with…

    Posts: 12931

    I fill with the outdoor hose. Then I Zamboni with hot water filled from house. Several friends have water truck sent in to fill.
    Friend put a hot water contraption on his outdoor hose that works well too. Several ways to build Zamboni ice resurfacer. If you google DIY ice resurfacer a bunch pop up. My buddies has a hose that connects to PVC pipes that he basically has a T connection like mine at the end. I actually really enjoy the whole project and am pretty nuts about getting good ice but it’s a fun challenge and bragging rights amongst a group of us that all have outdoor rinks in backyard. The other advantage of backyard rink is you can get ice much sooner than a pond. I have had ice since week after thanksgiving.
    Here is my Zamboni.

    1. IMG_1839_Original-scaled.jpeg

    Wright County
    Posts: 3152

    Thats a great idea. Some of the other neighbors are thinking of ways to be able to resurface the pond rinks. I personally like the pond idea better but its all i knew growing up besides actual hockey rinks. Less stuff to store in the offseason. Plus a little less intimidating for other people to want to run out and join.

    Posts: 12931

    Hot water isn’t a necessity though it helps level the ice. I have damn near indoor ice currently. If I had a pond I would probably have a bigger tank and just use pond or hose water to flood and fill in the low spots and skate marks. Fun part about a pond is the uneven surface IMO.
    Lights are pretty key at our house as it gets dark shortly after school is out. Weekend probably less of an issue but then my kid is usually more busy with regular hockey and other activities.
    Backyard rink gets used daily. In fact I have to go tie some skates now.

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2022

    the amish were skating all around the this afternoon.. 4 boys having a good time…

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 156

    I flood and resurface from my outdoor spigot all the time, never had an issue with freezing. Last year, I did pipe hot water to the outside spigot and just put shutoff valves inside to switch from hot to cold.

    1. Rink-scaled.jpg

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