So father in law insisted on giving my boys their first deer rifles. He said he wanted to give them both guns from his collection, but one boy is a lefty. So he showed up today with a brand new left handed savage axis bolt action 308 for the oldest boy, and one of his older H&R single shot break actions in 308 for my youngest. Of course the boys are excited and love their new guns! Very appreciative. We decided to fire off a few rounds from the deck (the advantage of living in the country). I am very concerned about the safety of the break action. The clearance between the hammer to cock and scope is really tight for me, let alone a young kid. I’m worried his thumb could slip off and discharge the rifle. I’m thinking of just going and getting the youngest a new Axis 308. Of course he will keep the H&R as a keepsake. But I don’t want to hurt grandpa’s feelings. How am I too do that without hiding it, and lying, and having kids lie to him? He can be rather strong minded at times. I really do not want to strain our relationship. He just recently returned back into our lives from an argument with his daughter (my wife) after about 5 years over something very trivial. I slightly hinted to wife about this and she says she is not getting involved. We probably will never hunt with FIL. We typically hunt around home in shotgun zone but next year the youngest is old enough to hunt and we are planning on sending in to hunt St. Croix near Hinckley. Definitely feel between a rock and a hard spot here. Any ideas?

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