Availability of new Solix and Helix Units

  • captaindelight
    Posts: 4

    So the newest Solix and Helix units say ‘Available Soon’ and do not appear to be available at the Big Box retailers. Does anyone know when a person will be able to buy the latest units?

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 707

    Most new G3N Helix units have actually bee available since late December, but in limited quantities. While Humminbirds web site still was saying available soon, units were out there for sale, just in limited quanities, and going out of stock almost as fast as they arrived. Picked up my new rigged boat, a few weeks back, with the new G3N Helix 10″, on the bow, and G3N 12″ Side image unit on dash. Both units had been mounted for weeks before I picked it up, and yet the 12″ unit, on Humminbird”s web site still was saying available soon. Funny story, as I get employee pricing on all Johnson Outdoor products, I was going to supply the new locators to my dealer for install, and their corporate headquarter store was telling me that I couldn’t order them yet, as they weren’t available, yet I was seeing them online at a few retailers for sale. When I mentioned this to them, they said I must be mistaken. Dealer wanted to finish the boat up, and were able to order the units, so I told them to get the units and finish it. When boat was done, I called our corporate store and told them I had my units, that they said weren’t available, already mounted on my boat. Two days later they let me know that I could order now if I still wanted to. Just do a web search for sale, they are out there, just may not be at the store you want yet. As to Solix, couldn’t tell you, didn’t look into that

    Posts: 17

    Scheels.com had eleven of the Solix SI G2 last week.

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 707

    I think he is looking for the new G3N’s, not the older G2N. The new ones have been available for over a month now, just got to look for them.
    Sorry, typed too soon, I see now you said Solix, not Helix.

    Posts: 136

    Anybody looked at the new helix 8? Wondering what the difference is between the 7 and 9.

    Posts: 102

    Anybody looked at the new helix 8? Wondering what the difference is between the 7 and 9.

    1 inch.

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