auto chart on helix 7?

  • chris
    northern Illinois
    Posts: 51

    I’m trying to educate myself on new sonar units to replace my old black and white lowrance so please bear with me. I am looking at a helix 7 and thought the autochart was a very neat option that I would be interested in using so I was wondering if I could get the 100$ autochart chip and use it? Thanks

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5859

    It looks like you could run Auto Chart, but not Auto Chart Live

    northern Illinois
    Posts: 51

    Oh boy I might be getting in over my head I guess I’ll have to look what the difference between the 2 are. Thank you.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 13

    I’m no expert but my understanding is that with autochart live, as you troll and record it will make your new map live. With autochart you have to troll and record your lake, take the chip out of the unit and upload the information on a PC to convert the information, then when you put the chip back in your graph the information will be there. They will both get you the same information onto your graph but the autochart live will do it immediately, whereas with the autochart you have to upload and convert on a PC to get the info.

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