Polaris moving???????

  • Jasper
    Posts: 29

    Is it true Polaris is Moving to Mexico??????
    I heard it the other day. The plant if I can remember is in Wisconson (I think). Anybody have more info on this.

    Fountain City, WI.
    Posts: 1606

    Heard the same thing…………….There will be more with the tax structure that will be needed to cover all the “Hope and change” that is coming

    Posts: 9263

    Right now Polaris is in Roseau, MN.

    Posts: 559

    And in Spirit Lake Iowa

    Posts: 22

    There was a previous post on this. There is a plant in Osceola, Wi. and it sounded like this was going to be the one affected most.

    Posts: 145

    It’s not the taxes. A company might actually be liable for more taxes if profits go up. The company will then just pay the executives more. What we need are higher export and import duties.

    Until Reagan, import and export duties paid for nearly 25% of the federal budget. Now they make up less than 3%. Who pays the difference? We do. Corporate taxes made up nearly 20% of the federal budget. Now they are less than 8%. Who pays the difference? We do.

    Of the G20 nations, we are the only one that has discarded our import and export protections, because over 50% of imports are from American corporations who have moved operations overseas. All the others protect thier workers and industries with tariffs.

    Import a car into Japan? You pay a 20% import tax and they have quotas limiting the number. China? 40% and higher yearly licensing fees. Import one to the US? 2%!

    We need to raise taxes on the highest brackets, institute protective import and export taxes, as all the other countries have done and give tax breaks to the working class. The ultra rich will survive. They are not the ones starting businesses. They INVEST in business, but do not start them. People like us start businesses and we do not, for the most part, make millions per year.

    If you tax income above say, $10 million a year, there won’t be the incentive to rape a company for the cash. You’d have to think long term and take the huge payoff when you sell the company and take your long term gain.

    Think about the Northwest Airlines bankruptcy from a few years ago. After slashing pay and benefits, the top four executives gave themselves a 50 million dollar bonus. Germany, which is still one of the strongest economies and is handling the downturn about as well as any country requires by law that any company above a certain size have half the board of directors picked by the workers. Keeps the lid on and worker rights front and center.

    Keep in mind that labor costs, including benefits are usually only 5 to 10 percent of any finished product. When a company relocates for cheaper labor, the end product isn’t amazingly cheaper, the company just has more profit, which then gets redistributed to the owners, executives or shareholders, not the consumer. (Just check out the prices of Nike shoes, which are made in Vietnam.)

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