New Polaris ATV – 550 or 800

  • jt_fish
    Posts: 138

    I am looking at a new Polaris ATV and am stuck between an old style 800 or the new 550. I wanted to get something in the 700 range as I had one for a short while and liked it.

    Does anyone have anything good or bad to say about either the 550 or 800, or experience with both?

    The cost is nearly the same for either unit, the weight is within 15 lbs.

    Opinions are appreciated


    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 3037

    I recently bought a new 06′ 800 twin. So far I love it…Might track it next year…

    I came across, a really good deal on crate quads, left over from a franchise purchase… I could have chose between a new 500 HO, and the 800 Twin, I think they are both great machines…However, I am really happy I got the one with more power, especially for the same price!

    Posts: 29

    Go BIG. The price is about the same and the rebates Polaris is offering will make it worth it. I have a 07 700 Twin and love it. I would not smaller. My brother has a Yamaha 660 Duck. It is nice for the riding he and his wife does around the mtns and some playing. Very easy to handle and lighter. When we traded machines for a ride he was overly impressed with mine. The climbing, power, handling and comfort of the 700. I had a hard time getting mine back.

    Make sure get a winch with it and have them put it on.
    Remember to go BIG.

    Isle, mn.
    Posts: 145

    The new 550 has the same horsepower as the old 700. It also comes standard with 14″ tires and wheels. The saddle with is much narrower which makes the floor boards much wider. The steering, even without the power steering option is much more effortless, and the ride is state of the art. They also increased ground clearance and belt life over the last gen. polaris. My vote is for the new 550. P.S. If you like the mud, they mounted the radiator higher, and the front rack is removable for ease of radiator cleaning.

    Walleyebry #993

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 193

    i was in the market at buying a new one last month. after looking at all the polaris’s yamahas, suzuki’s, honda’s and kawasakis. i drove a few of every brand and have always been a die hard fan of polaris sleds and atvs. i went with a kawasaki brute force 750. it has more than enough power to lift the front wheels right off the ground and is very smoth riding. personally i dont care for the polaris engine braking system, i think it slows down way too fast when you let the throttle off and that was a huge deciding factor for me. kawasaki has engine braking but its not as noticeable and the front end does not dive down when letting up going around corners and ect. like i noticed with the polaris. if your set on buying polaris then buy a polaris but if not definetly shop around!

    Posts: 776


    i was in the market at buying a new one last month. after looking at all the polaris’s yamahas, suzuki’s, honda’s and kawasakis. i drove a few of every brand and have always been a die hard fan of polaris sleds and atvs. i went with a kawasaki brute force 750. it has more than enough power to lift the front wheels right off the ground and is very smoth riding. personally i dont care for the polaris engine braking system, i think it slows down way too fast when you let the throttle off and that was a huge deciding factor for me. kawasaki has engine braking but its not as noticeable and the front end does not dive down when letting up going around corners and ect. like i noticed with the polaris. if your set on buying polaris then buy a polaris but if not definetly shop around!

    Interesting Coletrain… that you say that I sit here and ponder how my Honda Rancher does the nose-dive when cornering. I am sure some of it could be to use, but I will be checking that out next time I buy. Good point.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019

    Is the Polaris engine breaking system as loud as Kawasaki? My new Kawi sounds like a jet engine when I let off the gas. I’m getting used to it but at first it freaked me out. My AC has no noise like that.

    Posts: 138

    I have a 2006 500 Sportsman, and I would say that it is not loud at all. It makes a light hum/squeel.

    I could see if you were a hard core trail rider that you might not like the deceleration but the way I ride it doesn;t bother me at all.

    Rochester MN
    Posts: 193

    mine is the same way but it doesnt really do that unless your goin at a pretty good speed and let up on mine. sounds cool imo.

    Posts: 138

    I went with the 550. I will say it definately does not have the power the 700 has. I would say it has a little more power than the 500, but not a lot.

    They definetaly ride much nicer than the old style, and i went power steering, very nice! Of course the best part is the no feed back in rough terrain.

    One complaint is the rough idling, and idling at a high RPM. It shakes like a harley when at idle. Smooths right out as soon as the engine RPM increases.

    All in all I think it is a good machine and I am happy with it.

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