Which sled to SNOWCHECK?

  • mallard_militia
    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    I am trying to decide which 2011 snowmobile to snowcheck this spring. Oh yeah, momma gave daddy the kitchen pass and I’m using it this year. Here are my options that I have narrowed down. I like the 4 stroke engine reliability, I like the feel and power of the rev xps, and the new Rush Assault specs out perfectly for me. The options below all fit my riding style, now just need to pick one.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    MM, I have a buddy that was out West on one of these Assualts this past week. I will have him offer his opinion on it!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    I voted for the Ski-Doo. Reason is I have an 09′ 800R. Power is amazing, and you can’t beat the Rev chasis. I rode a Rush also (friends) and its similiar to the Rev but I prefered the Rev.
    I think the 2 strokes should be as reliable as the 4’s these days. I put on 1350 miles this winter on mine and never opened the hood deals except to add oil.
    I rode an Etec 800 at Al’s and it was cool. Same power as the 800R’s but much more smooth I thought. They claim the etec will burn way less oil too

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108


    MM, I have a buddy that was out West on one of these Assualts this past week. I will have him offer his opinion on it!

    That would be good. I need more information on that sled. I’m hoping they have one on display at the manufacturers show in Bloomington coming up soon.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3919

    Summit 800 163″

    Been showin MN my tail lights and goin west for 10 years. Best thing I ever did. We upgrade every 2-3 years. Just got a pair of 10′ 154″ 800’s and they are AWSOME and then some.

    You can thank me later…


    chris bristow
    Ham Lake, MN
    Posts: 27

    Lip Ripper wanted me to comment on this. I did ride the 2010 Assault last week and it is not a typical consumer sled, but the 2011 is supposed to be. I’ve got a relative at the Polaris dealer meeting in Vegas this week and he is giving me the rundown on the new Assaults. The 2011 are toned down suspension wise from 2010 and this was much needed. The 2010 Assault gave you tons of confidence to do anything but unless you drop 30 foot cliffs or ride in 4 foot high moguls at high speeds all day this sled in a stock form is over the top.

    The 2010 800 motors I rode in the mountains were awesome, electric smooth with plenty of grunt. The power was always there the instant you needed it to get up a hill or out of the powder. There has been lots of discussion about stutters and other problems with the 800 but I am confident Polaris has this worked out. The 2011 is supposed to be even better, not sure of the exact details on HP but I will find out. The fuel consumption was good, I’m sure not as good as the Etec but still better than my 600 carbed engine.

    The new Pro Ride Chassis is a bigger improvement than the jump from the Edge to IQ/RAW RMK. The Rush gives you more control, quicker response to rider input and more predictable than previous chassis. Polaris has dumped a ton of money into R&D the last few years and it is paying off.

    My riding style is boondocking on fire roads, through the trees, occassional trail riding, and going to the mountains. This is the sled I will get this or next year depending on the finances.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    You commented on a concern of mine regarding some of the Polaris’s. I have a bud that works at a dealer, the same guy who had me ride his sled. They have had many customers with issues. Lots of re-flashing of the computer I guess. You think thats all history?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    I want to say 800 etec but its the first year AND by buddy has had his 600 etec in the shop 3 times for engine issues. Just last weekend-reflashing when it quit putting out full power.

    Assault looks like a fad to me. I would wait it out.

    I know knothing about the ridability of the Yammies but I would bet they are of a quality build.

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