Which ATV Track System?

  • jd318
    NE Nebraska
    Posts: 757

    Santa brought a nice ATV to my house. I am considering getting an ATV track system. I have been looking at the LiteFoot by Mattracks and the Camoplast. Anybody have an opinion on one of these? Or any others?

    FYI, the ATV is a Yamaha Grizzly 700 with the EPS if it matters.



    Posts: 2

    yamaha now has there own track kits called tric track.
    but of course it is made by the best manufacutre out there wich is camoplast you should look long and hard into wich one u r going to purchase (lots of vids etc).i have and on jan 01/10 it will be tric track for me(same as tatou 4s kit by camoplast)i have a 09 griz 700.you will have a loss of speed etc but for me that is ok just going ice fishing some trail riding etc.cant wait

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    I cant remember the name but there was a booth at the ice fishing show that had these foam filled plastic paddles that easily mounted to your ATV tires. They looked pretty neat…..now if only I could remember the name I’ll see if I cant find them on-line

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    I found it they are called J*wheelz , They are not tracks but look like they would help a wheeler thru the snow

    Here’s the link

    Posts: 9325

    To me there is only one track system out there, Mattracks. They are made in Karlstad, MN. They also have contracts with the military for their tracks systems.


    NE Nebraska
    Posts: 757

    OK, looks like one vote for Mattracks and one vote for Camoplast. Anybody else?

    Anybody know anything about Kimpex?


    SE MN
    Posts: 178

    A buddy put them on his Grizz 660 last year. Poor speed, performance, and they tossed so much snow into the machine it would not run right after a run out ice fishing. Needless to say he sold them and has gone with a snowmobile and has been much happier. I was going to put them on my atv also, but after a week of ice fishing with his tracked ATV and my snowmobile I opted not to go with them.
    If you decide to go with them hope they work better for you

    Posts: 2

    well when you put them on a atv they will decrease the top end but this is not a sled.this track system on a atv will out work and go places that a sled wont go.they are not ment for going fast(top end on a 09 grizz 700 40mph).and for your snow problem u will have probs if in deep snow and do not use a sock/prefilter 4 ur intake.if u want to go fast buy a sled if u want to have all year round fun this is the way to go.oh by the way u will have less roost with camoplast due to the design of the track.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3919

    For the cost of the track kit you can buy yourself a GOOD used snowmobile and have 2 vehicles. The tracks are awsome but why not have the best of both worlds for the same coin?
    just my opinion, Ive used both. -Mark

    NE Nebraska
    Posts: 757

    Don’t know if I want 2 vehicles. Don’t really have the room.

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066


    Don’t know if I want 2 vehicles. Don’t really have the room.

    Thats what I’m going through, have both, don’t really use the sled, its just sitting there. So you add insurance, tabs, up keep, storage… Tracks are looking pretty good to me.


    NE Nebraska
    Posts: 757

    What tracks are you looking at and why? Thanks.


    Plymouth MN
    Posts: 93

    I am a little worried about the tracks and freezing up…. If i bomb through a bunch of slush etc on the way out on the ice then ATV then sits for 10 hours will the tracks ice up or freeze up. I dont have a heated garage to thaw out the tracks on the ATV when not in use either. Any opinions on how the tracks work with icing up? Thanks

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    JD I was looking pretty hard at them last year, have to dig up that info again. I would like it to happen this year, but I can say with 100% certainty, it won’t… Let me do some digging, I’ll be back! Also once you buy the tracks, and decide down the road to upgrade or get a different wheeler, you just have to buy a different conversion kit, and keep the tracks.

    This will decrease speed, but will turn it into a go anywhere machine!


    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1832

    Has anyone on IDA bought a pair of these tracks and used them for a whole winter yet?

    I’d love to hear a report on how they work.

    I’m talking good hard use on big lakes with cracks, slush and all that nasty stuff.

    Can you keep up with the guys on sleds?

    Have they ever been stuck?

    Was it difficult to get out?

    Posts: 4179


    Contact Kevin at Absolute Powersports: 715-723-7705

    Kevin sells and installs track systems on ATVs. He has put them through some pretty hairy conditions on lakes and on land and all of his experiences have been favorable.

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    Here are some Camoplasts in action. PM “the Grump” for some details. these photos were taken while chasing late season perch on Leech after a snowstorm.

    NE Nebraska
    Posts: 757

    I guess my thinking right now is that I want an All Season track. Although I would probably only use them when the snow is too deep for the tires, I would want the 4 season.

    I realize there will be a decrease in speed. Hoping to minimize that, but the point of the tracks, in my opinion, is to be able to get around…not necessarily at top speed. If I want to get somewhere quickly in the snow, a sled would be the best option.

    I am hoping to find the best track at the best price that will work with the soon to be purchased snow plow so I don’t have to “re-do” that purchase. Quality, performance, etc. are all part of which track is the “best.”

    The plow that I am looking at is a Moose Wide 50 with a quick connect plow attachment. I need to find out how much clearance is in between the ATV and the plow when attached and compare that to how far each type of track extends past the front of the ATV.

    Currently, I am trying to find this information on the Tatou 4s, Mattracks Litefoot, Kimpex Commander Trek, and the XGEN ATV tracks.

    Thanks for any input.


    Posts: 120

    had a set of tjd cattrax on my 05 griz 660 in a foot of snow wide open Icould get 8-10 mph they threw up so much snow on the motor that when I would stop it would suck the steam in and die.they do go through any thing you can think of .Needless to say I got a sled now but still have the wheeler (no tracks)

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