Vintage sled questions?

  • reddog
    Posts: 823

    I was just at my FILs this weekend and he was talking about making some more room in his machine shed and wanting to get rid of a couple old sleds. I went out and looked at them.

    One is a Massey Ferguson 440 Whirlwind , that I believe was made by Scorpion, similar to the Scorpion Whip. Not sure of the age of it. Its in kind of rough shape, but it appears everything is straight and there. The seat has been eaten off by a dog, but I would guess that would not be a big problem to replace.

    The other sled, is a early 80s Arctic Cat Pantera 5000 FA. This sled was last licensed in 1981, and has 1104 actual miles on it. Although dirty, it appears to be in very good shape for its age. There is one small piece of vinyl missing in the seat, up on the corner of the right side near the back. I was thinking that that one would probably come home with me, if I could come up with some sort of value that I could pay him.
    Anybody have any ideas about the market value of these sleds?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22889

    I would think $300 apiece would be plenty. The market for vintage sleds is a small one. The early 80’s Pantera isn’t all that special yet, the Massey….built by Scorpion. When John Deere had sleds, they would always sweeten the tractor deal, by throwing in a sled, Massey had to do something too !!!

    Massey on Ebay


    big G

    Posts: 121

    25-50 at the sled salvage yards. offer 75 for the pair.

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    I remember those days, My brothers Pantera burned up so he traded it in for a helmet.

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