
  • IceAsylum
    Wisconsin Dells WI
    Posts: 956

    Now it needs side exterior membrane to stop snow and mud from getting in.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3911

    Military ran them year ago. Downside is that you need the honeycomb for flex and contour traction, when mud and debris get packed and dried it does not work and adds a lot of weight.
    I can see a future version being better but you need to start somewhere.

    Posts: 412

    I think the flexing of the tire will actually clean out pretty easy.

    That being said. I want one.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12262

    It won’t be for all users, but I can really see these being a huge hit in the southwest states. In a desert, the biggest issue is punctures because everthing in the desert has 2.4 million things on it that will puncture a tire.


    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    Is that a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist? I can say I have seen one flat wheeler tire in the last 10 years in some awful conditions. And that was a blown out valve stem due to log.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12262


    Is that a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist? I can say I have seen one flat wheeler tire in the last 10 years in some awful conditions. And that was a blown out valve stem due to log.

    It might not exist in the midwest.

    In the desert states of the west and south west, the first thing guys do when they get a new ATV or tires is to fill them with slime and/or take all kinds of other puncture prevention measures. It’s almost an art form and everybody has their own “formula”.

    I can see a true no-air tire being a hit out there. In the midwest, we have a different set of needs and the cost/benefit isn’t there.


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