ATV tire size

  • Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3436

    I have a sportsman 700 with stock rear tires that are 25×11-12 and I need to replace them. 25×10-12 seem to be much more common and cheaper. Will the 25×10-12s work on my machines stock rims? I get that they will be an inch narrower. Machine is only used for plowing driveway and random work around the house.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4345

    Should work. Keeping same diameter on 4 wheel drive is a must. You will probably have a little less traction for plowing snow with the narrower tire.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    They’ll work just fine. If you use tire chains, you may find yourself stretching them down the sidewall a touch more, but they’ll also work fine.

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