I got a 2004 Arctic Cat that will turn over but wont start. It appears I am not getting any spark. What does a person check?

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I got a 2004 Arctic Cat that will turn over but wont start. It appears I am not getting any spark. What does a person check?
This is not meant to be a dumb answer. Check to make sure the kill switch is not pushed down. I have done it before. I’m assuming gas is full and no fuel shut off.
This is not meant to be a dumb answer. Check to make sure the kill switch is not pushed down. I have done it before. I’m assuming gas is full and no fuel shut off.
I haven’t done that yet but a few people related to me have, my father being one of them
has it sat for a period of time? did you use seafoam to stabilize your gas or stabil
We were using it this weekend and went to back up and it quiet and won’t start
We have a 2003 arctic cat 400 that wouldnt start, ended up having to buy a new flywheel. The weights on the flywheel are glued on and they finally came loose so it wouldn’t create any spark
We have a 2003 arctic cat 400 that wouldnt start, ended up having to buy a new flywheel. The weights on the flywheel are glued on and they finally came loose so it wouldn’t create any spark
X2! The glued on flywheel magnets were a good idea.
If you tackle that job yourself I still have the special puller needed to take the flywheel off. Pm me if you need it. I believe there is a testing procedure online to make sure that is your issue before you tear in.
Is it a 650 V2 motor? If so, start with the pickup coil/flywheel. Make sure there is voltage heading into the CDI from the pickup coil when turning over. If there is no voltage, drain your coolant and oil, pull the side plate and replace the flywheel and pickup coil. If there is voltage and there still isn’t spark, check the output voltage of the CDI. If there is none, it’s your CDI and it needs to be replaced. If there is spark, replace your coils and plugs. Always work your way down the line from the origin of the voltage.
If in fact it’s a V2 and it’s your flywheel, I’m in Rosemount also and have a flywheel puller you can use.
My 2006 AC 500 has a primer on the carb. It will NOT start if not primed at least 20 times if its been sitting a while. Its a crazy design. Maybe applies to yours? Very small finger pump on the right side.
My 2006 AC 500 has a primer on the carb. It will NOT start if not primed at least 20 times if its been sitting a while. Its a crazy design. Maybe applies to yours? Very small finger pump on the right side.
If he is not getting spark, how will this help?
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>suzuki wrote:</div>
My 2006 AC 500 has a primer on the carb. It will NOT start if not primed at least 20 times if its been sitting a while. Its a crazy design. Maybe applies to yours? Very small finger pump on the right side.If he is not getting spark, how will this help?
You think I read all the posts? hahaha
Good luck with your quad.
My 2006 AC 500 has a primer on the carb. It will NOT start if not primed at least 20 times if its been sitting a while. Its a crazy design. Maybe applies to yours? Very small finger pump on the right side.
I have a similar problem with mine but mostly after being trailered. I don’t know if its getting flooded with gas from bouncing along on the trailer, or not enough gas. I prime it sometimes, don’t prime it others, it still is a bear to start when its really cold out. So much so that I constantly worry about it starting because I fear I will crank the battery dead.
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>suzuki wrote:</div>
My 2006 AC 500 has a primer on the carb. It will NOT start if not primed at least 20 times if its been sitting a while. Its a crazy design. Maybe applies to yours? Very small finger pump on the right side.I have a similar problem with mine but mostly after being trailered. I don’t know if its getting flooded with gas from bouncing along on the trailer, or not enough gas. I prime it sometimes, don’t prime it others, it still is a bear to start when its really cold out. So much so that I constantly worry about it starting because I fear I will crank the battery dead.
If I crank mine and it wont fire it needs more prime. Every time. In the winter after sitting for weeks I wont even try it until I pump in 55-20 times. 3 seconds of crankning then 5-8 more pumps. When they have gas in the carb they fire. The primer on these things is so tiny. Its like blowing up an inflatable woman with a small bike pump…
Its like plowing up an inflatable woman with a small bike pump…
I’ll take your word on that one…
Does this thing have a kill switch in the throttle- throttle safety switch(TSS)? You might want to do some searches on the internet to see if it does.
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>suzuki wrote:</div>
Its like plowing up an inflatable woman with a small bike pump…I’ll take your word on that one…
Corrected but I think I like the typo better!
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>suzuki wrote:</div>
Its like plowing up an inflatable woman with a small bike pump…I’ll take your word on that one…
They won’t start if it’s in gear either.
Arctic Cats will, but if it is in gear you need to pull back on the brake lever.
trade it in on a Honda!! I have a 1986 foreman this thing is bullet proof no belt drive no primary secondary all shaft drive I put brakes in 2 times that’s it!! a friend bought a new Polaris and in 1st year 1 belt 1 set of brakes and major engine work at 1 year all because the Polaris was 500 bucks cheaper at the time he bought it
<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>suzuki wrote:</div>
Its like plowing up an inflatable woman with a small bike pump…I’ll take your word on that one…
I’m so happy to have read this thread!
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