Attention Waterfowl Hunters, If find AIS in Waterfowl or Wetlands, please report

  • carroll58
    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    I am asking something of ALL Waterfowl Hunters. (Please pass this along to all Waterfowl Hunting friends).

    If when cleaning your waterfowl, you find Zebra Mussels lodged in the Throat or elsewhere, please take a photo and post it here or email to me at [email protected] state what water body your were hunting or nearest town if field hunting along with the date shot.

    I wish to collect and send to the AIS Lab at the UofM along with the MnDNR and State Legislature.

    Also, if hunting wetlands inaccessible to watercraft and find Aquatic Invasive Species, please photograph and submit those as well with GPS Tags and other location/date information.

    Knowing if there is A.I.S. being moved around by waterfowl or other means will help in knowing if we have any means or truly slowing the spread. If Zebra Mussels are found out in some Wetlands, that would be helpful in knowing to research this issues.


    Bobby foley
    Posts: 16

    Is there any other ais that you are specifically looking for besides zebra mussels

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Eurasian Milfoil would likely be the easiest to spot. There may be others too. If there are, The Sportsmen & Women are the feet on the ground and cover 1,000 times what the DNR ever could.

    If we can direct the DNR to where AIS have infested a water body unknown to the DNR, maybe we can confirm or dispel the idea of Waterfowl transferring AIS.

    We know from last year some Mallards were eating Zebra Mussels. Would be nice to know how wide spread this happens and if they may have transferred any AIS to small water bodies.

    Thanks for your help

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Just want to make one more request for all the Hunters that were out this weekend. Sure would appreciate knowing as much as you observe this season.

    Wish you good Luck, but I know you’re all very Skilled Marksmen.

    cold spring mn
    Posts: 12465

    not AIS, but the I heard yesterday the DNR was out and about testing waterfowl for the bird flu this past weekend also!

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Thanks, Yes, I’ve heard that too.
    No Emails yet, so we’ll see what happens this season.

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