Assassination Attempt?

  • jwellsy
    Posts: 1724

    Rules for radicals:
    #5 “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”

    #13 “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

    Posts: 811

    On the other hand, what if they took him out before he shot and found out it was a 16 yr old w/a toy gun ? I’m glad I don’t have their job.

    Bismarck, ND
    Posts: 610

    On the other hand, what if they took him out before he shot and found out it was a 16 yr old w/a toy gun ? I’m glad I don’t have their job.

    For sure.

    Wouldn’t have had to make that call if the building 150 yards from the stage would have been secured. Someone failed big time.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6337

    It does seem very odd that rally goers could have seen the shooter with a gun before secret service or other law enforcement did. Not like there were a lot of buildings around and tons of hiding spots. This was pretty much a rural setting with only a couple buildings.

    Having said that, it sure sounds like the rally goers who notified local police likely saved lives, including Trump’s.

    Crazy photo with the bullet whizzing by Trump’s head.

    Posts: 890

    Inside job – our sharpshooters were told to standby and wait for a shot. There’s no way they didn’t have him locked into their crosshairs prior which allowed them the ability to fire back within 3 seconds of the first shot.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2275

    The Secret Service is stretched dangerously thin in election years. They have to be at every rally for every candidate. They are working extremely long hours and there are only so many agents and even fewer counter sniper teams. It’s been reported that many were transferred from Trumps protection service to other locations including Jill Biden’s rally for Joe. Many of those at the Trump rally were not fully trained or never assigned to a protection detail. Given the political climate it is not surprising to me the head of the Secret Service would not prioritize Trumps protection over others even though the probability of an attempt on him is higher than any other candidate. They tried to revoke his protection services at one point.

    None of this is an excuse for the Secret Service. There were some staggering bad overlooks that took place to allow this to happen. Changes certainly need to take place and soon. It needs to start with recruiting and hiring people by merit and ability rather than DEI quotas. When you start from a position that you are going to make 30% of your agents women in six years you are clearly making hires based on gender rather than merit and ability. Watching the video’s it was clear some of these agents were clearly overwhelmed. It’s very possible they never trained together. They exposed Trump far too long after the initial shots were fired. At one point they left his entire torso exposed when they stood him up. Resulting in the image of what will be as historic as the Iwo Jima photo of Trump’s bloodied face pumping his first in the air. That never should have been allowed to happen.

    When they bundled Trump in the limo one agent outside the limo did not know if her gun should be holstered or not holstered. She tried to return it to her holster but missed it three times. I get that it’s chaotic and andrenalin is pumping but it’s what they are trained to do. These things should be automatic and complete muscle memory reactions. Training was clearly lacking.

    Trump was very quick to thank the Secret Service and local law enforcement as he should rightly do. But in reflection he will be asking how and why this was allowed to happen. I’m guessing he will supplement them with a paid private security detail going forward.

    Posts: 3480

    Video showing the perp on the roof well before the shots. Need to scroll down a little to find it. It’s the first video. Disclaimer: The link is to and is for purposes of viewing the video. I know nothing about the person whose account it’s posted on.

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1826

    An active shooter armed with an AR-15 that’s set up only 164 yards from the target is certainly the responsibility of law enforcement on site. Most of the deer hunting shots I take are further than that for crying out loud. It’s completely ridiculous that anyone could set up that close and even attempt to take out a high profile target. Someone should and will be held accountable.

    On the radio they said a second spectator that was injured yesterday
    has died from their wounds this morning.

    All sitting/ex presidents and First Ladies receive secret service protection for life.

    I agree here now seeing details come out. I believe the shooter was 134 yards out. The fact that the shooter missed was a act of god. Either he is just a terrible shot or only had a second to set on the target and pull a few off. As you said, there is no way he should have been able to get on that roof. That warehouse roof should have been secured and occupied by personal.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19019

    Totally. Could have easily been prevented with security in that building and/or on that roof. Not like this was in a downtown metropolis with all kinds of angles for a shooter. The fact that someone could set up that close in an open rural area is down right disturbing. And as you stated, Trump is very lucky to be alive.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12744

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Karl Hungus wrote:</div>
    Politically, many of us (myself for sure) liked driving in the center lane of the highway. These parties have done away with that possibility. There’s only left and right lanes now. In fact, it’s gotten to the point that there’s really only the left and right shoulders, what’s next…driving in the ditch I guess? Really beyond sad. My poor grandkids and their kids…

    It’s the people or should I say cattle that allow their thoughts to be controlled by other people. Vote the candidate not the party. If you are a staunch Republican but don’t like the candidate for Mayor vote for somebody else. Write a vote in. Every single time we vote along “party lines” you are embolding the parties.

    Don’t like Biden, don’t like Trump write in your favorite politicians name, hell even your dogs name would be better in some cases. But quit blaming others, vote the person and hopefully the cream will rise to the top someday. Oh, term limits all across the board with no lifetime retirement benefits.

    Dutch. I use to think and vote like you. That’s what had gotten us to this point. Last presidential election that’s what a lot of republicans did. They didn’t like trump so they voted Biden. Not one democrat I know switched their vote. I said it then and I’ll say it now. Biden could be caught live on national TV doing something horrible and a democrat would still Vote for him or whoever they had running on the democrat side. The elected leaders now almost always vote straight down their party line. The few times that they don’t it’s been republicans who have cross lines. It’s now to a point a person has to decide what side they most identify with and just vote that way. It’s to a point it doesn’t matter who the candidate is. People now just vote a party. Sad but where we are at.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12744

    I’m with others here who say security failed. As most here know I’m a big supporter of law enforcement. But in this case they messed up and failed. A rooftop within 150 yards of the speaking platform should have for sure been secured. Had this taken place with a 50 cal. From a mile out, it would be far different. From what I’ve seen this building was one of only a few elevated locations even close. I would think security would have had their own personal already on the spot. If not at least secured. The technology they have this should never have happened. I do find it a little off that the sniper shot that killed the shooter came about a 1/2 second after the shorter got off 4-5 shots. One of 2 things had to happen. Either the sniper had just located the shooter and either could not get off a shot fast enough or he waited till shots were fired to take his shot. Failure by security for sure. My guess is the final report will say otherwise but it was.

    Posts: 25044

    The part that gets me is that a cop approached the gunman and when the gunman pointed the gun AT him he retreated. He should be removed for service. PERIOD.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6807

    It’s now to a point a person has to decide what side they most identify with and just vote that way. It’s to a point it doesn’t matter who the candidate is. People now just vote a party. Sad but where we are at.

    I agree. I have said it more than a couple times this past year. If someone closer to the middle like maybe Kennedy, could run as an independent without a crazy cause attached to it, like legal weed or save the tree frogs. Put some money behind that campaign and I think it could work. I for one would consider another option if they had a chance to win.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    Don’t worry.. the FBI is investigating. coffee

    Posts: 5321

    I just really hope one day these trumponians realize how absolutely stupid they sound to the rest of the world with their conspiracy theories, got one at work this AM, everyone present just had to walk away.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1893

    I just really hope one day these trumponians realize how absolutely stupid they sound to the rest of the world with their conspiracy theories, got one at work this AM, everyone present just had to walk away.

    I hope the Biden fans realize how much division they’ve created in this country by crying “Orange man bad” since 2016.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    Inside job – our sharpshooters were told to standby and wait for a shot. There’s no way they didn’t have him locked into their crosshairs prior which allowed them the ability to fire back within 3 seconds of the first shot.

    They saw him and targeted him but didn’t pull triggers until he did. Why?

    Posts: 4487


    Maybe because everyday a cop gets arrested for using force. If they would have killed him first im sure there would be some bs that maybe he wasnt gonna shoot. FWIW I think he should have shot the second he was spotted with a gun.

    Posts: 25044

    Someone with a weapon needs to be treated as a threat whether they have actually pulled the trigger or not. I’m not saying someone just carrying a gun, but it sounds like he was engaged and aiming so that is definitely a threat.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2275

    On the other hand, what if they took him out before he shot and found out it was a 16 yr old w/a toy gun ? I’m glad I don’t have their job.

    Believe me when I tell you that the optics used on a sniper rifle by a sniper as highly trained as these guys would be able to tell the difference between a mosquito and a fly at 500 yards. Providing the person behind it has been fully trained in it’s use and operation of course.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    1. FB_IMG_1721063563994-3267432.jpg

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19019

    Haha. Maybe hiding behind that metal bar. jester

    Posts: 219

    I hope the Biden fans realize how much division they’ve created in this country by crying “Orange man bad” since 2016.

    This has to be satire, right? You can’t look at me with a straight face and tell me Trump, or “orange man” as you say, hasn’t thrown gas on the fire that is the divide in this county. He might be one of, if not the most, divisive political figures in history.

    Regarding the assassination attempt, maybe we just “have to get over it” like we did the school shootings.

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