Might not want to tell your friends!!

  • arklite881south
    Posts: 5660

    When it comes to sliding fish on the ice the revolution of the flasher can take large credit for the many “Eye Crossing” hook sets witnessed across the hard water each season. Many years ago Ice anglers may remember the now infamous “Green Box”. I believe some fisherman considered it some sort of witchcraft that allowed men to somehow better understand what takes place under that protective shield of ice. It took a few years until the world of ice fishing began to understand the distinct advantage a fisherman has while his eyes remain glued to that seemingly simplistic “Green Box”. I personally believe the endless stomping around the ice sheet in their "Moonboots" finally made even the most reluctant men with sponges wrapped around their feet a bit sick of being appointed the designated Brat turners of the ice fishing party. Fisherman across the midwest gained a renewed interest in putting the modern day "Smackdown" to Pig fish!!

    From the fading memories of yesterday the ice fishing industry continues to make significant strides in the evolution of the modern day flasher units in the world on ice. Personally I went from utilizing the Green Box to the Humminbird to the Vexilar, and now to Marcum technology. I’m certainly not alone, and here are the reasons many believe Marcum offers anglers the greatest enjoyment as well as efficiency while grooving holes on the ice.

    As avid fisherman we know that often times fish simply “Aren’t in the mood”. For whatever reason the fish simply are not in a feeding frenzy all the time. Most of the time while ice fishing your target species MUST be triggered into biting. Understanding this fact quickly elevates the game of ice anglers. Regardless of your chosen presentation the most critical piece of the puzzle remains being on fish. I’ve yet to fish with an angler who is talented enough to hook fish that simply aren’t there. Marcum has a wide variety of products within their product line geared to help us locate, and then catch fish!! I urge anglers to check our their entire product line. Recently Marcum has introduced the Showdown “Ice Troller” This micro sized wonder is a compact piece of sonar offered at a mere couple hundred dollars allowing anglers to efficiently mobilize hole to hole searching for fish. 1 guy on the auger and 1 guy on the Showdown will help ensure anglers across the Midwest are fishing on top of fish!! Beyond that anglers realize that “Hucking” around a larger traditional unit can be tiring, and with this new hand held introduction you can simply put it in your pocket if you choose. Try walk with an auger and your full size unit, and you’ll quickly value this product, and hope for one in your Christmas stocking!!

    With some research on the Marcum website you will surely find a product that can match your style of fishing along with your budget. For me I wouldn’t be caught on the ice without the LX5. Fishing of course is my business, and I have no interest as I’ve stated a hundred times before in second place products. Consistently catching large fish is no small task, and the best available technology is critical to my success. The LX5 featured product from Marcum technology simply offers superior power in the unit which gives anglers maximum target separation. Most all fisherman will agree when it comes to ice fishing if you plan on triggering a fish to bite you must know the precise relationship between your presentation, and the fish. Critical mistakes are often made by anglers that simply don’t have the power in their personal sonar to comprehend the precise relationship between their presentation and the target fish. Isn’t that too bad!! LOL!! This more often than not will spook a fish very quickly!! Keeping your presentation in the precise Target zone, and simulating an escaping baitfish will ensure a bend in your rod all season long. DO NOT underestimate the vital importance of MAXIMUM power and Target separation within your chosen flasher.

    Secondly in my opinion to overall power of the Marum flasher line is the adjustable zoom feature. I‘ve attempted to hide this unique feature from my friends in the past, but believe they’ve caught on to my advantages enjoyed with my LX5 from Marcum!! I chase walleyes, pike, and crappies with customers here on Rainy Lake from December until April. My flasher hit the ice on 71 separate trips last season!! When it comes to Crappies the ability to quickly adjust my zoom upwards into emerging fish affords me the luxury of fishing these beastly “Donks” in an enlarged state. This makes it much easier to position a micro presentation in the face of crappies that can reach 16 to even 17 inches!!! This is a huge advantage to those targeting panfish. Last year we iced somewhere around 20-25 crappies OVER 15 inches!! Ask my friends, and customers after last years excursions………MOST ALL are going to get into the Marcum Movement this season!! Crappies like to feed in an upward position as do most game fish. Game fish prefer to ambush prey from the blind side of baitfish upwards. This illustrates the importance of bait positioning. When it comes to “panfish” we know they often come in at a suspended position depending on your particular body of water. The adjustable Zoom feature with Marcum Technology allows anglers to quickly react to the positioning of the oncoming fish to maximize the efficiency of fishing within the zoomed area.

    The dual cone transducer isn’t a feature completely understood by many fisherman, but James Holst has produced a small clip that does a masterful job in defining the ultra importance of this particular feature for many anglers. The degree of angle your transducer shoots down to the bottom of the lake for a bounce back is approximately 21 degrees. If my fuzzy math serves me correctly for reference fishing in 21 foot of water would give you an approximate 7ft circle of course with the expanded base at the bottom, and narrow based to a point at the puck. Your seemingly always on a "Power play" with Marcum!! This is considered relatively standard in the industry, but the fishing scientists at Marcum realized that this can present a problem when fishing tight structure like Wood, dominate weed edges, or Rock walls. Rumor has it many fish relate to structure!!! Standard cone angles can give false reads as one portion of the sonar reads a shallow wall or log while the other portion reads the immediate bottom leaving anglers with a critical dead zone, and frustrated. Thus the critical advent of that “NB” button on your flasher!! The “NB” button standing for Narrow Beam shrinks your cone angle to an estimated 7 degrees allowing fisherman to fish tight to structure with clear view of the critical bottom content without a distorted screen like so many have experienced in the past. Here on Rainy Lake our Rock walls can be immense which act as current breaks, and which baitfish can get pinned against by oncoming walleyes. The most productive positioning on a feeding shelf often starts right next to this rock wall or nearest the steep fall to deep haunts. Without the NB feature you are forced to fish in a less productive middle ground.

    Although I won’t henpeck all the secrets I’ve enjoyed with Marcum Technology, because every angler prefers to keep something to themselves I will also touch on the important interference rejection. These days more an more anglers realize it is crucial to utilize a dominate flasher. With the increased sonar being shot into the lake many anglers have experienced the headache of interference caused by anglers fishing together as groups. The Marcum LX5 has superior interference rejection, and I fish within 5 feet of other units most everyday. No matter what unit might be placed down the hole next to me……….I have no issues receiving clear and concise readings of what is below me. Trust me…….I’m leaving my LX5 in the water even if your having issues with your flasher!!

    If you are looking to add one piece of FISH CATCHING TECHNOLOGY to your gear this year jump on board with Marcum Technology!! Simply Lethal technological advances in the world of ice fishing, and making fishing buddies jealous across the Midwest!!

    Don’t simply to take my word, but better yet experience the Marcum advantages for yourself this season!! It is my belief with the simple reasoning stated above you’ll be wearing a “Marcum” headband while your buddies are “Knees Down” by your ice fishing hole pulling up yet another fish for YOU!! Statements like “AND THAT IS ANOTHER ONE FOR ME" are commonplace for those on board with Marcum Technology!!

    Posts: 8

    love the artical, and love my marcum.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13330

    Good stuff Chris. You hear nowadays from many people “I wouldn’t even go out on the ice with out my flasher”. Im one of them unless we are just planning to tip up fish or play cards in the shack.

    You statement about finding something for everyone on Marcums website I think is very true. While the LX-5 is a top of the line unit its not in everyone’s budget and I would bet this may hold true for many younger fisher people just looking to get into the sport. Units like the VX-1 and now the Showdown troller will hopefully fill the niche of giving these folks a quality fish finder to use and still meet there budget.

    Anything that may help our younger folks in this sport gets a big thumbs up from me.

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