are you offended by the AMERICAN flag?

  • catnip
    south metro
    Posts: 636

    I read a story today that a high school student in one of the Carolinas was told to remove the AMERICAN flag and the POW flag from his truck because some people might be offended. And another story from a last year that a veteran was told to remove his flag from the porch on his apartment Because some of the Muslims that lived there were offended by it. What the hell is our country coming to? Only in America could someone get away with being offended by the AMERICAN FLAG! I think this is the only thing that has ever offended me!

    1. murica-13.jpg

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2841

    There have been times when I see or hear about this type of backwards asskissing our Govt seems to see fit and exercise that I’ve considered flying my flags upside down. Good rant. I feel better. Briefly but better. Thanks. Disclaimer, If I’ve offended anyone I’m not sorry.

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2841

    OK, I’m not done. We got to be a World Power by sticking it to our enemies and not accepting and taking crap. Standing up for our Rights. Now we have to take and are expected to accept it. God forbid we offend anyone, even they are not Citizens. And were expected to do this in Our homes and Our backyards. Horse Pucky! I surely pray that my vote really does count. P.S. I’m sober and still not sorry if I offended anyone. I will state this and mean it wholeheartedly. I am fortunate to live in and be a citizen if the greatest country on earth. And I am a proud but frustrated American.

    Zimmerman mn
    Posts: 467

    I am fortunate to live in and be a citizen if the greatest country on earth. And I am a proud but frustrated American.

    Couldn’t agree more!

    Western and Central, NY
    Posts: 440

    No I’m proud of it. I’m a veteran

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    About that second story, Muslims living HERE were offended by the flag???

    You know I normally don’t like the phrase “if you don’t like it here, leave” but he his is actually a situation where it fits. Its kind of like going to a Thai restruant when you can’t stand Thai food.

    Posts: 776

    NO I HAVE 1 FLYING RIGHT NOW!!! wave Stan

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 168

    I’m a veteran and I fly the American flag on my house proudly every day.

    Posts: 3913

    My father and many friends and relatives,including my son have served and shed blood for this country I proudly display the flag and defy anyone to tell me take it down!! if anyone we harbor within our shores doesnt like it,they can leave immediately. to stoop and bow to these pantie waists is cowardice on their part,I am offended that they are offended. it is time to tell these types to stuff it and those who support them are no more American than the enemy itself. to think the constitution gives these the right to bitch and moan is one thing,but to cater to them is another. thank you to all who have served!!! God bless the U.S.A.!!!

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    Political correctness is/has ruined or Great Country. Stories like this make me sick.
    I love this country and our flag.
    God Bless America! and Thank You Veterans.

    Posts: 3681

    We fly the flag from our front porch,behind the door we keep tools to defend that flag from any who would try to destroy it and what it stands for.🇺🇸

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Robby I too am proud to be an American. I am tired of those (others whoever they are) coming here and saying our symbols offend them, If they don’t like it they should go back to where they came from and never come back, they can kiss my royal as-.

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    Symbols are symbols, material is material, someone burns a book or a flag, did it hurt me in any way? Everyone has their own judgements and has a right to think any way they wish, it doesn’t hurt me unless violently acted upon. Live and let live and the world would be a much better place. It’s what’s inside a person that matters. There’s only one judge and it’s not me. If you’re proud of your flag then put it out. If others could give a rip and don’t mess with your flag or other sacred symbols that’s ok too.

    Posts: 317

    No, but ya’ll should relax, cause no one is ever going to tell you to take your American flags down.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Yeah, its a symbol and material. It’s what we wave when we are united, proud and a leading the world.

    That’s really the problem. The country doesn’t collectively want to be the leader or the best anymore. We want to follow the lead or collaborate when countries use to follow us. I can’t stand hearing we should do it because Euros are doing it, Canada is doing it…to which I say I don’t care, we are not those countries. It works for them because they are mediocre.

    Its a symbol, but it stands for something pretty GD important.

    Victoria, mn
    Posts: 820

    I read a story today that a high school student in one of the Carolinas was told to remove the AMERICAN flag and the POW flag from his truck because some people might be offended. And another story from a last year that a veteran was told to remove his flag from the porch on his apartment Because some of the Muslims that lived there were offended by it. What the hell is our country coming to? Only in America could someone get away with being offended by the AMERICAN FLAG! I think this is the only thing that has ever offended me!

    I call BS. I don’t know where you read this, but I don’t believe either story. Someone is jerking your chain or you are jerking ours. A piece of paper will lie there and let you write anything on it.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    this country has always had douchebags in it… smirk I can hardly believe every Muslim in this country has a problem with the flag. From a proud supporter and defender of this country and it’s flag. waytogo

    Posts: 317

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>catnip wrote:</div>
    I read a story today that a high school student in one of the Carolinas was told to remove the AMERICAN flag and the POW flag from his truck because some people might be offended. And another story from a last year that a veteran was told to remove his flag from the porch on his apartment Because some of the Muslims that lived there were offended by it. What the hell is our country coming to? Only in America could someone get away with being offended by the AMERICAN FLAG! I think this is the only thing that has ever offended me!

    I call BS.

    Glad someone did. I salute you sir.

    south metro
    Posts: 636

    Americans are losing their spines at a record pace and becoming sheepole.this country became great because we were not afraid to stand up for what is right! now most folks are scared to make waves and stand up for what is right. There ain’t no live and let live with bugs Wyatt. Tell me to take my flag down and il take you down hard.

    South Central Minnesota
    Posts: 815

    I second the comments of basically all of you above. Proud of it. Proud to be an American. If you don’t love it, leave it.

    I have had problems in my neighborhood with immigrants. Biggest one being a guy that called the police because I was training my dog in my yard and it wasn’t on a leash. Police took about 45 minutes to show up, he called them back several times before they showed telling them I was fleeing and that my dog ran him over and bit him while he walked by. I was furious, I wasn’t fleeing, I was in my yard training my dog. My dog never came within 15 feet of the guy, let alone ran him over and bit him. I have a very obedient lab that is my pheasant dog, that like most labs out there, wouldn’t bite or be aggressive towards anything.

    Police show up, guy goes into rant about my dog being need to put down. He couldn’t show any signs of a bite mark or scratch or even a paw print on his white clothes. I showed the officer that my dog is obedient and listens to every command I say. The officer praised me, and told the other guy that the only leash law in the city is on public parks, not private residences, or even on streets.

    We came to an agreement, which was that he wouldn’t walk in front of my house. He will go to the other side of the street when walking by. I was being a smarta$$ through the entire ordeal, apologized for wasting an hour of his time on a pointless call.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    I’m proud of my country and what we stand for.

    Because my wife is a “foreigner”, and therefore I have many “foreigner” relatives on two continents (which I visit from time to time), I would offer the following observations:

    – We don’t have to and shouldn’t hide who we are, but we should understand the fact that our image is ENHANCED by being sensitive to the fact that others are proud of their country and their history as well. We don’t need to tear them down to build ourselves up.

    For example, the graphic posted by the OP. Back to Back World War Champions? This could very well be perceived (and often is perceived) as a claim that we think we did it all by ourselves. That doesn’t win us many friends.

    – On the similar note, it enhances our image to acknowledge that many of our finest American accomplishments owe much to other people in other countries. Our Democracy is founded on ideals developed not by Americans, but by Scots, English, French, Germans, and many others.

    I happen to be reading a new book about the Wright Brothers and despite their tremendous American accomplishment, they readily praised others like the French aviation experimenters who did work and tested ideas that Wrights would later benefit from.


    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Symbols are symbols, material is material, someone burns a book or a flag, did it hurt me in any way?

    Does it hurt me physically? no. It does however hurt me in that it’s extremely upsetting to me. But that’s my reaction.
    How the flag is treated will always be a hotbed issue, and that’s a good thing! It reflects a deep love of country.

    Come Monday we will do as we do every Memorial Day, we’ll hoist the flag that covered my brothers casket after giving his life in Vietnam and we’ll break out “the box” that holds his letters and photos.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    In the words of Miss Teen Alabama 2007:

    “”I personally believe the US Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don’t have maps, and, uh, I believe that our education, like such as South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like, such as — and I believe that they should. Our education over here in the US should help the US — should help South Africa and should help the Iraq, and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future for our children”

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I am glad the second story is false. Seems I reved up the engine and ignored the check engine light.

    Grouse, I retract my “It works for them because they are mediocre” statement. That’s not how I feel about other countries.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I agree with everybody here but just don’t care. I don’t have to know if either story is true to know that the wrongs would immediately be righted.

    I already knew we lived in the greatest country.

    Posts: 3403

    There are so many complete fake stories, or partial truth stories to fire up people on social media every day it is getting sickening. Some stories are so over the top it amazes me that so many people eat it up.

    Lake Wisconsin
    Posts: 59

    Fake or not, this is a sad trend that is currently happening. Across the world, Americans are not liked, for various reasons. In the attempt to be a global economy, the government tries to appease to other immigrants feelings. America today, is not the America our forefathers fought to free and forged the Declaration of Independence for.

    Australia has the right approach to immigrants. You are free to enjoy their country, but English is the language, God is part of the country, guns will be allowed, and if you do not like it, you are free to leave.

    Sad thing is, we will not lose this country by war or any fight for that matter, we will either be bought out by China, or we will become the minority as non Americans out populate us, sorta like an invasive species taking over an ecosystem.

    At some point, I forsee Americans needing to rebel and take the country back. Revolutionary War 2.0. Most likely will not happen in my lifetime, but on the current track, We won’t be flying an American flag in the distant future, unless someone steps up…

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