Old bow shoots OK.

  • neusch303
    Posts: 539

    I’ve got some fine tuning to do and a lot of practice. But at least I know the bow can shoot.

    I am not an avid bow guy. What is a tight group? What do guys look for as far as lethality in a hunting bow?


    For the thicker wooded areas that I hunt primarily bow hunt, I seldom have a shot over 40 yards.

    With that said, I feel confident that if I can keep my groups under 6″ at 40 yards, I can make an ethical kill a large percentage of the time. I’ve also found that for me, this same type of consistency means sub 4″ groups at 20 yards.

    With that grouping, I’d say you’re on the right track!

    Posts: 539

    This is a 20 yard grouping. Good to know, thanks Justin.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12748

    Any distance you can keep that group at you are good to go. Even a group twice that size will do the job.

    Posts: 395

    Generally speaking, most shooters can shoot an inch per 10 yard group. 1″ group at 10 yards, 2″ group at 20 yards, 3″ group at 30 yards, etc.

    You’ll know when you’re getting dialed when you start stripping fletchings and busting nocks

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