
  • John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    alright I know that this is going to be a Chevy | Ford debate but I am going to ask anyway. I haven’t hunted bow for a couple years. I have continued to shoot just haven’t got to hunt. Well 2014 I will be getting back out in the tree so I am curious what hunters are using these days. Do I grab the 2 blade rage? do i stick with my 3 head Muzzy’s that i use to shoot? I tried searching the forum but was surprised that I couldn’t find this question asked.

    If nothing else just provide me with what you paid money for and I can research them myself. I am just starting early for next year

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    I like the Grim Reeper broadheads . The fly great an are deadly on deer . I have full confidence in them


    I personally love the 2 Blade Rage’s. Switched from the 3 Blade’s last year (which I had quite a few problems with) and haven’t had a deer go over 150 yards.

    This upcoming season I may have to take a hard look at the new Rage Hypodermic broadheads, which to me looked like a nice improvement to the current Rage 2 Blade design.

    Posts: 2998

    2 blade Rage for me, I personally haven’t had a deer make it out of eye sight with a well placed shot.

    Posts: 539

    I am sure this question is in relation to deer hunting. With that said.

    I think it is important to mention that cut on contact broadheads are recommended for the “big” of big game like moose and bear.

    FYI, I only know what I have researched. I have not harvested an animal with a bow/arrow yet.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 515

    I have been a diehard Grim Reaper fan for years. They have always left amazing blood trails for me.

    Mayer, MN
    Posts: 100

    Grim reaper whitetail specicals for this guy.

    Posts: 32


    2 blade Rage for me, I personally haven’t had a deer make it out of eye sight with a well placed shot.

    x2!!! I have never had to track a deer with them. Of course if you did it would be easy because the blood trail is obvious.

    Posts: 1

    I started shooting the rage hypodermics this year. They sure leave a nice hole even with hitting some ribs,replace the plastic shock collar and you can shoot them again. The addition of the plastic shock collar is a nice improvemnet over the o rings used in the past. very happy with them so far

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    After killing 2 deer with the Rage 2 blade, both with perfect shot placement I had mixed results that had me going back to a fixed blade. Always shot Thunderheads but had to jump on the Rage rage but never again. Both deer went no more than 75 yrds. One a bloodtrail Sammy Davis could have followed and one that I found maybe 2 tiny drops of blood and stumbled on my deer going to where I last saw him after being hit. That was enough for me and switched to Slicktrick Magnums. Haven’t killed an animal with them yet but looking at the construction, blade thickness and out of the package sharpness, I have no doubt this is the broadhead for me. Plus they shoot exactly like my fieldpoints. Just hoping to save anybody the nerve racking experience I had.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’m a Rage 2 blade chizel point fan. That said, there are lots of great broadheads on the market today.

    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    I shot 5 deer with muzzy 100 grain 4 blade heads this year and none went farther than 40 yards before tipping over. Of coarse it didn’t really matter what head I shot them with because when you pop both lungs they can’t go far no matter what you put through them! If it shoots straight shoot it!

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 270


    I like the Grim Reeper broadheads . The fly great an are deadly on deer . I have full confidence in them

    The blood trails are amazing…like going for a walk in the park. The sharper the blades, the more blook will fall.
    Here is a link to the Razorcut SS that I shoot. After harvesting an animal and cleaning the dirt and fat off this head. I snapped it back closed and it was looking like it was ready to use again. Nothing was bent. It is fully functional.

    John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    Thanks for all the responses. I am hearing the brands that I assumed I would hear. Now I just need to decide what I want to shoot.

    Thanks guys!

    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 974

    Any broadhead will get the job done, just make sure it is sharp and your bow is tuned to the broadheads you decide to use. Its all about shot placement.

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 1090


    Any broadhead will get the job done, just make sure it is sharp and your bow is tuned to the broadheads you decide to use. Its all about shot placement.


    Posts: 1493

    I’ve shot the rage 2 and 3 blades, and I’ve shot the 2 inch Whitetail Grim Reapers. The Reapers are the most deadly effective broadheads ever created. There really is no comparison. They’re very forgiving and open holes you can put your fist in.

    Posts: 132

    It’s interesting to see there are a few Grim Reaper guys out there! I have shot GR for a few years now and have went 6/6 with them. Obviously shot placement is key but I have never had a problem with blades not deploying etc. The best thing is they are built incredibly well and have been able to reuse them, about 2 deer per head before I switch. I really don’t even think I would need to switch, but do so just because.

    Even better than the durability is all you need to do is wipe them down and snap the blades back in place, no rubber bands, no spider clips, easy with nothing really to go wrong.

    I have also shot T3’s and they have worked wonderfully. The only thing is they fall apart so easily when you take them apart and I have often lost blades, retention clips etc.

    West Central Sconni
    Posts: 431

    I had a goofy occurrence with a Rage 2-blade last year. Put a slightly low shot on a buck and resulted in a mediocre blood trail (which eventually plugged up) and a neighbor finding the rotted buck a couple days later. After butchering the deer to check the vitals I was extremely close to the heart.

    I feel like the flat cutting plane of the 2-blade kind-of screwed me… because it depends on how the blades are aligned at entry which determines in which direction it cuts. Think about it… you could be a half inch from the heart… but if your blades are cutting parallel vs perpendicular to it… you won’t touch it.

    So this year I switched to a Slick Trick Grizz II fixed. I shot a cull buck with it this year and had great success. Super durable and wound-up sighting in the same as my field tips.

    Just my two cents!

    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081



    Any broadhead will get the job done, just make sure it is sharp and your bow is tuned to the broadheads you decide to use. Its all about shot placement.



    Ive been shooting the G5 T3s for a few years now and they are great, durable, and sharp. Also killed deer with Crimson Talons, Muzzy 3 Blades, and Rage 3 blades. Shoot what shoots best, only reason I have changed from any of these are the little nuances that come with any product.

    If you have some archery friends, they likely have an extra head you can try shooting or other brand heads they have switched from that they have sitting around to shoot.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    2 Blade Rage for me as well…..Never lost an animal, ever…

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    Muzzy…… been around the block! Lost 2 with the 2 blase chisel points this year that were point blank and simply didn’t get penatration… at all… 70# freshly tuned Mathews… they don’t bleed out the best with the small hole but you almost always get 2 holes and a dead deer with a good shot!

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 270


    I feel like the flat cutting plane of the 2-blade kind-of screwed me… because it depends on how the blades are aligned at entry which determines in which direction it cuts. Think about it… you could be a half inch from the heart… but if your blades are cutting parallel vs perpendicular to it… you won’t touch it.


    Menomonie Wi.
    Posts: 260

    Slick tricks. They will punch thru 3/4″ of plywood, I tried the same with my 3 blade rage and only the tip poked thru, the blades were mangled and never allowed it to get thru. I imagine the same would happen once in a while if you hit the shoulder blade with a Rage, like others have said, just make a good shot and as long as the blades are sharp it shouldn’t matter.

    On water
    Posts: 817

    I like my muzzy 3 blade but they don’t shoot same as my field tips. Have to site in with the broadhead. My buddy shoots slick tricks and has had great luck with kills and shoots same as field tips. I’m switching over next year.

    Posts: 25

    Anything Rocket for me. Been using them since they started in MN. They have been great for Bear, Turkeys, Elk an deer. Just getting some ready for this March turkey hunt this weekend.

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