Blue Tongue Southern IA

  • bthess
    Manly, IA
    Posts: 239

    Just got back from southern Iowa on a doe hunt was very suprised to run into a few does and 2 real nice bucks down. Both in the 150″ class just makes a guy sick. Didn’t even go looking for these deer just stumbled onto them in river bottoms. Real curious how many others are seeing and how wide spread this is. Kind of discouraging but natures way to keep the deer herd in check.

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    Last time a drought this bad hit, experts speculate that 25 % of the population died. There have not been any comfirmed cases of Blue tongue, its EHD,1607,7-153-10370_12150-26647–,00.html

    We picked a bad year to start on outfitter service! So far we have found over 20, 3VERY nice bucks. Sad part is it primarily effects mature buck
    Natures way of getting out with the old so the young can survive with lack of food due to the drought! IMO

    Posts: 55

    My cousin down in South Central IA just found 3 dead bucks they passed on a few weeks earlier, all 3 would have been huge next year. What a bummer.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    I was visiting with my father-in-law over Thanksgiving, (he’s out in central Nebraska just on the edge of the Sandhills) and he said on his nephew’s farm they found over 50 deer dead in the corn fields when they were combining this fall!(nearly 2000 acres) Bad drought areas are showing both EHD and some with the blue tongue….real sad he said their were about 6 bucks in the 150 plus class.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    My cousins in central SD also found about 50 dead on opening weekend of pheasant. Mostly recent by the stench according to him. Let’s hope for lots of snow this winter!!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    Absolutely some good cold and snow!;)The deer sure need it.
    It’s been nasty for them. To darn bad the CWD just wouldn’t succumb and and leave the rest!

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