4″vanes versus 2″Blazer vanes?

  • flatfish
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    So in the ‘off season’, I decided to purchase some new arrows and decided to give these 2″B-vanes a go. (GT Velocity XT’s) But IT’S BEEN DRIVING ME CRAZY!(n for those that know me know it’s a short driveanyway)

    The deal is, I’m sighted for my 4″vanes 1-to-2 inch groups. Then I load up a blazer vane and I’m left 4 inches and high 4 inches. If I aim right and low to compensate, I’m dead on..

    Did all of you already know this about regular vanes vs Blazers? I can’t believe I’ve hunted for years and never knew this…Should there even be any difference? I thought one should be able to go from one to the other with no difference.

    Posts: 1009

    sounds like something in your technique! Maybe torquing the bow! what ever it is its not the blazers its more than likely you! Or your setup! I hunt with the blazers and target shoot with both blazers and veines and both shoot the same in ranges 40 yards or less! beyond that blazers hold a much better group for me! and this could be something with the way I shoot!

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    They definitely may require a tweak of the site, but 4×4″ usually means something else also. Check to see if you switched from a LHelical to a RHelical or straight fletch vs. Right Wing or Left Wing. When I switched from a left 2degree to a right 2degree I adjusted about 2″ or so at 20yds. The height does not surprise me as much depending on your distance, as speed may have increased as well as drag on the rest if using something such as a whisker biscuit. There are a hundred factors that could play a role.

    When I switched from Scott’s single caliper release to a Scott’s double caliper I moved four inches and found out 15 minutes before heading to stand. Anything else that changed that you can think of?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22850

    Move your target 4″…. just kidding I agree, a set-up problem, not an arrow problem. Then again, arrows are part of your set up

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440

    What kind of rest do you shoot? Are you shooting broadheads or field points? Are your new arrows the same spine and length? Sounds to me like a contact issue.

    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    I shoot blazers but still have some arrows with the 4″ I shoot and they shoot the same. I would check and see if one or the other is touching your rest at all and throwing it of a little.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    thanks for the comments guys
    some of the things mentioned I honestly don’t know, and I’m not sure I know how to find out; ie, LHelical to a RHelical>
    I do believe I have straight fletch. I don’t think the height or rise in elevation point of contact surprised me either, knowing the blazer vanes are known to give more FPS, therefore less ‘drop’ in trajectory. I can live with that. I was shooting at 20 to 25 yards, middle distance for me. But going left by 4″ at that distance, no way am I taking these to the woods~at least not at this time.

    “Drag on the rest if using something such as a whisker biscuit.” Yep, I still use the ‘ol biscuit! A topic we all discussed here in the pages of IDO

    One other thing I do know: 8.4gpi vs 7.4gpi. Cut the new ones at 28 1/4″. That’s 237.30 vs 209.05 arrow shaft weight, not including fletching, and I’ve always used 100gr tips. I was using field/target points when practicing. My Stalker Extremes(28 1/2″), and Whitetail 45/70’s(28″) are both dead on with no difference.

    So how do I find out about L or R Helical?
    I’m determined to add these to my arsenal…

    Shoreview, MN
    Posts: 723

    L or R helical refers to the way the fletching rotates around the arrow shaft. Unless shooting a recurve the direction of the helical makes no difference in today’s bows.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    I switched to blazers this year too.. Mostly because the options are super limited and it’s the “next big thing”. Didn’t notice much of a dif at all.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    Thanks y’all.
    Given all the discussion, I did rework, albeit, subtlety, make a small tweak in my sight, and even with the weight discrepancy, it worked. My regular vanes are 1″low & right, and the Blazers are 1″ high and left.go figure, but I can not get them to all zero the same>< and they are not the same, that is a fact. I am very confident and using any of them. I can stick them all in a 3.5″ circle any where from 10 to 40 yards….by all counts, that should work

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