Broadhead Recommendation

  • tarcar
    Posts: 27


    Slick trick mags or grizz trick 2’s. Massive blood trails,Fly like darts and tough as heck. Not to mention, one of the sharpest heads out there by far

    X2! I just switched back to 100Gr Slick Trick Magnums after using mechanical heads for many years without incident until I stuck a big boy in the shoulder blade. You could argue the fault was mine for hitting the shoulder blade, and you’d be right, but a Slick Trick or a Muzzy would have punched through – the mechanical did not.

    Posts: 32

    I still like the 100 muzzy. Last 2 bear I shot one made it 15 yards on a dead run and the other died on the bait. Last buck made it 40 yards. Confidence is key. I have shot through both of a deers shoulders (not on purpuse because I am not a great shot) and the head held togather like it just came out of the package. If I do my part they die quickly put the minimun legal sixe broadhead through the vitals on any animal and they will die quickly.

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