
  • walleye4383
    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 92

    I am looking at getting a rangefinder for next bow season and was wondering what ones people like.

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 270

    I have been pleased with my Bushnel Trophy Legend. I use it exclusively for archery.
    Next one I get I think I will get one that had an angle compensation feature.

    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    I have a nikon 440 tha i reraly like. I used to have a leopold with the angle comp. It isn’t very nessasary unless you have a severe angle. I ended up taking it back because even though it worked fine in warmer weather for some reason when it got cold it did not work. Might have just got a bad one. The Nikon has worked great for me ever scince.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’ve got the Leupold TBR1000. Very happy with it. I really like that the read out is in red.

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