Hey guys – Can you tell me what you know about bowhunting the weekend of Oct 14th-17th? (Herd Control and CWD Units – Oct. 14-17 (Antlerless deer only))
I was reading the docs and I hunt 60A and/or 61 so if I understand it right I could hunt 60A but not 61 as 61 is a Herd control Unit?
I only ask is that is a weekend I oked with the wife to head hunting so I thought I better double checked
Here is the paragraph and a link to the doc that has be asking the question.
This carcass tag is weapon specific and can only be used with a valid Archery License during an open archery season for a buck deer harvested with legal archery equipment, except during Oct. 14-17 and Dec. 9-12 in units that have the antlerless-only hunts.