Can I bowhunt Oct 14-17?

  • John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    Hey guys – Can you tell me what you know about bowhunting the weekend of Oct 14th-17th? (Herd Control and CWD Units – Oct. 14-17 (Antlerless deer only))

    I was reading the docs and I hunt 60A and/or 61 so if I understand it right I could hunt 60A but not 61 as 61 is a Herd control Unit?

    I only ask is that is a weekend I oked with the wife to head hunting so I thought I better double checked

    Here is the paragraph and a link to the doc that has be asking the question.

    PDF File


    This carcass tag is weapon specific and can only be used with a valid Archery License during an open archery season for a buck deer harvested with legal archery equipment, except during Oct. 14-17 and Dec. 9-12 in units that have the antlerless-only hunts.

    Posts: 6441

    If 60A is not a herd control then game on

    You can hunt 61 but have to wear orange and can only shoot antlerless deer

    John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    Alright well that sounds like a plan then I guess I will make sure to put my stand in the woods on the other side of the road -)

    We could push one woods and be 60A put standers on the other side and shoot in 61 :-). Can make it a little confusing at times


    Just like Pat said, you are good to go!

    I’m in the same situation as you. My cabin is within 1/4 mile of 3 zone boundaries, 2 of which are herd control. I’ve hung a few stands just for this particular weekend, so when the rest of my hunting is taking out the rifles and hunting slicks, I can keep bowhunting bucks.

    Good luck and let us know how it goes!

    Posts: 6441

    I am not as lucky both 72 and 59C are herd control I may just have to fish Saugerama

    Looks like a nice cold snap coming in also Stupid “T” zone

    Central, MN
    Posts: 1110

    Here’s a pic from last year during “T-zone” in Buffalo County. 30 yards from where i have a stand this year and where i sat at a base of a tree last year. I didn’t head out last year to hunt during the antlerless season and i won’t this year either…. knowing my luck this would happen again.

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