Need some broadheads

  • John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    Hello – I am going to get some broadheads this week. I have done a lot of reading and to be honest most have great reviews with a few bad ones mixed in. The problem is with the price of broadheads I really do not want to end up buying 3 different types because they plane out or don’t group well. Which comes to my main question I guess. Do you guys buy a 3 pack and then shoot all three of them and just pick up replacement blades? or do you buy 3 blades then if you like them go back and buy 3 more?

    I am promised that the rage will fly straight (same as my field points) but I am not sure about mechanical type broadheads. plus and $40 dollars I can’t hardly test them (i know they give you a practice one, but don’t you really have to field test before you go live?)

    So what do you guys do or what have you done

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    I do reuse my BH’s, but it depends on the damage it is in. I compare the used head to a brand new head, check to see how the blades open, if they’re bent, ferral is bent, etc. Typically the heads i have used don’t have anything wrong w/ them. I just resharpen the tip and blades and clean them off and put them back on either a new or the same arrow.
    As for sighting in, you DEFINITELY should sight in your fixed blade heads, they will not fly the same as field points and i have yet heard of a fixed blade head that does I have shot the Snypers, Rage, Stricknines, Reaper 2″, and Miniblasters and what i have found so far is that the 3 blade over-the-top expandables don’t fly like my field points Not a problem though, i use the same method as i do when i kill a deer w/ the same head as i do when practicing. Inspect the head once youre sighted in

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22728

    How far are your shots ? I shoot fixed, I have Sabertooths for under 30 yards, I shoot 1 when sighting in to make sure I am good. For shots longer than 30 yards, I have Slick Tricks… fly just like my field point, no kidding I don’t think there is anything wrong with re-shooting a broadhead that was shot into a foam target

    John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    I am guessing I will be 30 and under. I haven’t read about Sabertooths so I will check them out as well. I plan to do a lot of shooting over the next two to three weeks to get this figured out. only hunt a couple weekend in Nov (crazy schedule and long drive to hunting location)

    Posts: 6443

    I use G5 strikers and they fly like my field points to 40 and I won’t shoot any farther anyways

    I have 2 I use for practice But I wouldn’t hesitate to run a broadhead sharpener over them and use them to hunt

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2105

    I shoot primarily the Rage 2 blade. When practicing the practice head does group well along with the regular field points. I use 100gr tips. Of the deer taken with the Rage, I buy replacement blades,and points. (not the whole head unless it appears to me to be damaged). I have ‘lost’ one hunting head. It wasn’t a complete pass through shot….the head was ‘hanging out’ as the deer took off. When I found the deer the broadhead was gone I got the half with the nock and vanes So goes hunting…(can’t re-use bullets either )

    Posts: 11

    I shoot Rage two blade and I feel that they fly straight. I did miss a turkey this spring but that was my falt.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3137


    I think we all feel your pain. Just like Protour, many of us have shot lots of different heads out of different setups, yet we all still come up with different reviews, likes, and dislikes.

    When I first started bowhunting, there were a few options, but I chose NAP Thunderheads from a short list of reputable choices. They were readily available, sharp, easily replaceable, and like most of the heads on the market today, do what they’re supposed to with a properly placed arrow.

    Today, I shoot rage two-blades, but you go ahead and shoot what you think you’ll have the most confidence in. There’s no substitute for practice, and from what I can tell in terms of performance, mechanical failures are far more rare than human failures all else being equal. The best head in the world won’t cure the shakes or an arrow released too soon or too late.

    As for how many to buy, I typically only have 3 arrows with broadheads in my quiver at one time. And yes, the rage practice heads fly like the real thing, which from my experience is the same as my field points. I re-place blades after every kill, and re-use the heads after a close inspection. Just like any piece of hunting equipment, having extras can be anything from a luxury to a necessity, depending on where you’re hunting and for how long.

    Good luck!


    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290

    If you want to try out the rages before, i will send you some of the practice points as long as you send them back when your done. Ive also got some other 3 blade muzzy’s and fuse that i use just for practicing if you want. Shoot me a PM.

    I also practice with the heads, like said before fixed blades are always a little off. I have found out that its not always the broadhead the arrows have been my problem lately. I just tossed away 3 easton axis away cuz they didnt fly worth a crap compared to the other 9 i had.

    John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    Thanks for all the responses, I think I am going to head to the local stores and see what people are stocking. For this year I am going to stick with a fixed blade unless some drastically changes. Boy do those videos of the Rage look impressive though!!!

    Now off to find a new target $10 and hour is getting a bit expensive

    Not much chatter on this site about targets but I think I might just pony up the money and go with rinehart® rhinoblock

    Seems like that is a good target with a lot of life and very portable

    Posts: 124

    IMO, Every archer should look at it this way. Buy a BH that you like, one that you think is sharp enough and will do the trick.


    Such and such BH won’t shoot out of my bow and won’t fly like my field points.

    Yes, there are some junk broadheads out there, but 90% of the time your dealing with an untuned bow….not a bad flying broadhead. So BH tune your bow! A field point is a small piece of metal that’s machined for nearly zero drag. A BH is a big chunk of metal with wings on it that will plane depending on diff scenarios and are sometimes more sensitive to shooting form. The other 9%(leaving 1% for bad BHs) with bad shooting BHs is that they wobble when you put them on. How many of you own an arrow spin tester? You need one to see if once you’ve put on your broadhead, if there is any wobble. The wobble could come from an arrow that was never squared after being cut, an insert that was put in wrong or some BHs just like to be seated a certain way. Maybe I’m a bit more anal when it comes to my arrow building as I weigh every component out before I put them together and also use an ASD after I cut my arrows and before the inserts are glued in. But a spin tester is a piece of gear that’s definitely worth the $$ and has saved me hrs of heart ache trying to figure out why an arrow/bh combo won’t fly right.

    Sorry for the long read. lol

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    I’ve read very good things about this target also.


    I shot two does last weekend. One with a Rage 3 blade, deer went 60 yards, but honestly it was an almost perfect quartering shot. The second doe I shot with a G5 T3 expandable. This thing did an unbelievable amount of damage to the internals of this deer even though the shot was less than desirable. She laid down and died a mere 30 yards from where I shot her.

    John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    Well I picked up the target tonight and I must say really like it. Great choice (spendy, but nice)


    I think I might just pony up the money and go with rinehart® rhinoblock

    Seems like that is a good target with a lot of life and very portable

    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    I shoot 4 blade 100 grain Muzzy’s and they shoot exactly the same as my feild points. I know every one says fixed blade broadheads wont shoot like feild points but I have no problems with them and they are very effective at killing deer. And there is no chance for them to fail.

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