Arrow Rests and Sights

  • bradg
    Posts: 507

    Now that I solved the problem of what bow to buy, I am trying to decide on how to outfit it. I now that I want to go with a drop away style rest for sure, and that I would like to have a full containment rest also.

    What feedback can you guys offer as to what you have and why you like it. Also, any information about rests that you disliked and why would be helpful too.

    I liked the QAD Ultra Rest. But am not sure if I want a rest that I have to flip up. I did like that it will stay up on a slow let down, but in most hunting situations that might require a let down, is this what you would want.

    I did have the chance to try a number of different rests with all the different bows that I tried out, so I have a bit of an idea.

    Then for the question of what you guys use/like for sights.

    I will primarily use my bow for target practice in my yard and hunting. I would like to get comfortable enough to target shoot out to 60 yards to build up my skill and confidence for 35 to 40 yard and shorter shots that I would take while hunting.

    Posts: 1514

    Look nofarther than the QAD

    Shoreview, MN
    Posts: 723

    I went with the Schaffer opposition and their new rest. They tuned it and mounted it all. Everything is top notch and I wouldn’t change a thing on my setup

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I also highly suggest the Schaffer Opposition sight and their Fall Away Rest. I have not had the opportunity to look at their Opposition Rest yet so I can not comment on that. Great Products with People that stand behind what they sell and know there stuff when it comes to Archery!

    EDIT: CLICK HERE to see my product review on the Schaffer Opposition sight!

    UP Michigan
    Posts: 198

    NAP Apache

    22 feet up
    Posts: 632

    I have the rip cord code red and am really pleased with it. It’s very similar to the QAD, but you can flip it up manually or just draw back. For a sight I shoot a spott hogg hunter and it’s the bee’s knees. They are expensive but if you shop around on archery classifieds you can pick them up pretty cheap. I got my 5 pin for 150$

    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    I had the Rip cord 3 bows ago and went to the QAD on my DXT, loved it so much I got it again on my Z7. Flipping it up is not an issue in my book unless your shooting numerous arrows at a time…Good luck what ever you get…Jay

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I had to get rid of a QAD because it wouldn’t adjust properly for the arrow flight on my bow. I went with a Rip Cord. I’m very happy with it.

    My bow also came with a Spot Hog site. I really, really like it. I’m gonna change out a couple pins to .019.

    Posts: 124

    For rests, so far I’ve shot a Trophy taker, QAD, Schaffer, and a LimbDriver. I much prefer full contain style for hunting so QAD gets my vote. If I didn’t want full contain, Limb Driver would get my vote hands down. Extremely simple setup.

    For sights, I’ve shot an Extreme, Copper John, Sword(all fixed pins) and now I shoot an HHA. Switching to an HHA was one of the best moves I ever made in a piece of archery gear. No sight aperture clutter and the 1 up pin vs fixed horizontal pins for me is bar none better. I have marks on my HHA out to 100 yards and still have only 1 pin to stare at. I like to long range shoot for fun and a fixed pin sight just doesn’t work. I’d need 8-9 pins.

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    7 pin Spott Hogg with customized sights!!!

    Posts: 507

    Great info..Keep it coming. I didn’t realize that the Ripcord CodeRed could be used either way.

    NAP Apache: Product info that I read says that it is a full containment rest. The picture I saw though doesn’t make it look that way.

    Schaffer Opposition Sight: What kind of a price range on this rest? (not so sure that I want to know!)

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    I love my sight by Vital Bow Gear… Here

    Posts: 5

    As far as rests go I have a Ripcord code red on my bow and a QAD on my wifes. I prefer the Ripcord, but you can not go wrong with either, I just like having the molded plastic on the prongs and not having to put felt on the QAD arms. For sights it is personal preference I believe. I switched from a 3 pin Fuse to a TruGlo Range Rover single pin. I prefer the single pin, it just clears up the sight window. I know HHA is probably a bit better, but the Range Rover is a little cheaper alternative that is not far off the HHA.


    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 974

    And you thought you had choices to make picking out a bow.

    Sights, endless options. Your biggest decsion is whether you want to shoot a fixed pin or a moveable sight. Once you decide that, good luck. Not really a bad sight company out there. Choose a bright fiber optic and make sure the sight is made of aluminum or similar matierial, not “composite”.

    Rests. Again, pick your poison. First, decide if you want to shoot a fixed rest or a drop away type rest. Schaffer’s new rest(Fixed/Moveable) and the Whisker biscuit are awesome fixed arrow rests. If you like a fall-away, many have already been mentioned above. All great rests. I wouldnt hesitate to shoot either one of them, probably have at one time. Myself, on one bow i am shooting a Vaportrail Limbdriver and an HHA slider. On the other I am shooting a G5 Optix XR sight and a QAD Ultra Rest.

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