Does MN allow archery hunting in state parks?

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    As I’m looking for places to hunt the 2010 season, I’m doing some scouting via google maps. One thing I’ve stumbled across is the lack of hunting in State parks in my area. Has it always been this way? I’m a bit frustrated the bird watchers got all that land to themselves.

    Growing up in SD, we hunted state parks all the time. It was a great resource for us “city” kids who didn’t have private ground to hunt.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 139

    I think some state parks have hunts but you need to apply for them as part of purchasing your license. CHeck the DNR regs.

    I dont think MBRB has anything to do with State Parks. They are more county/city parks.

    You can hunt most State Forests and there are a bunch of those.

    SSP, MN
    Posts: 234

    If your looking for a place to hunt spd800 has some acreage that he never hunts He’s pretty tight lipped about it because evidentally he uses it as a wildlife sanctuary He has been known to build himself a nest of twigs and vines and just watch all the pretty birdies

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101


    If your looking for a place to hunt spd800 has some acreage that he never hunts He’s pretty tight lipped about it because evidentally he uses it as a wildlife sanctuary He has been known to build himself a nest of twigs and vines and just watch all the pretty birdies

    I’ll rig his wheeler so it won’t start tomorrow when we are out in the middle of Mille Lacs. He’s price to leave will be letting me hunt!!

    SSP, MN
    Posts: 234

    I’ll rig his wheeler so it won’t start tomorrow when we are out in the middle of Mille Lacs. He’s price to leave will be letting me hunt!!

    That is quite the brilliant plan you’ve got there Just for the icing on the cake though, if you would do me the smallest of favors of hooking his ice scoop to his line at an opportune moment and lower it back down. Steve really appreciates jokes like this and it will add to the overall enjoyment of the trip

    Oh, and by the way, this conversation never happened

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    What conversation!

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