Where to Start?

  • walleye4383
    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 92

    I am wanting to start bowhunting next year and was wondering where does one start? I will be starting from scratch so any advice is welcomed.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22895

    First step, head to a local archery shop and shoot a few arrows. They should be able to get you started, shooting at least. Also, most have trade-ins as well as New Bows. Secondly, I assume you already have ground to hunt, or that you rifle or shotgun hunt already, if not, then you need to find a place to hunt. From there, it depends on how much you want to put into it, from scouting, trail cams, to food plots. One thing about bowhunting, you have to get close have fun, but fair warning, it is addicting

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374


    First step, head to a local archery shop and shoot a few arrows. They should be able to get you started, shooting at least. Also, most have trade-ins as well as New Bows. Secondly, I assume you already have ground to hunt, or that you rifle or shotgun hunt already, if not, then you need to find a place to hunt. From there, it depends on how much you want to put into it, from scouting, trail cams, to food plots. One thing about bowhunting, you have to get close have fun, but fair warning, it is addicting

    X 2

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    This is the perfect time to start… I might add look for an indoor league and /or a Pro shop that offers a few beginners shooting sessions.

    You need to determine if you are left or right eye dominant first…then establish an anchor point after you have been explained the basic form and mechanics. Its worth a travel to a full service Pro shop that will teach you the basics and work within your budget.

    You do not need to spend $1500 on your starter set up…Once you learn your draw length and draw weight limitations you can pick up some really good deals right there on a trade in bow.

    Many shops will have a “loaner” bow like a Mathews Sportsman to start with and work up to your own equipment…

    Let us know how things go for you!

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