Ok, I have debated this topic for years and was wondering what you guys thought or experienced yourselves???? With a new bow purchase in the future I’m debating this topic again!
I’m a left Handed person that does some things right hand. I write left hand, throw left hand and shoot bow & gun left hand. However, I do almost everything else right handed (golf, bat, wrestle, etc). I’m right eye dominant and have been thinking of switching to shooting right hand as the whole eye dominance thing and pretty much all my hunting buddies are right handed including my wife. So tree stand selection would be way easier for everyone involved as also would filming hunts.
So the question is how hard is the switch and will I shoot at least as good right handed or should I just stay shooting left?
I was thinking of going into Schaffer’s Archery shop and just start shooting bows right handed and see how my muscles work together and etc. Any tips on how to make the switch or things to avoid??? How long would I exepct before I’m back to drilling bulleyes?
Jeff Heeg, you know anyone that has gone through this?
Thanks in advance for any insight!