• flatfish
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    Both Thursday evening and tonight, I’m in my tree stand and I get pinned down by deer that came in out of range(or not in my shooting lanes) and frickin lay down! So I wait til like 530p(dark), knowing their still there, but I have to get out of there. I know they didn’t see me but know they(bitchin big doe and decent 10 pointer) heard me leave> What do you guys do?

    s.e. minn
    Posts: 642

    Stay until they leave.
    You did it right. There’s nothing you can do except slither out as quite as possible

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    I think I managed to get down of the stand ok without them busting me> but I know once I started moving on the ground they heard me and started moving as well, but not running….

    Do you guys think they’ll come back in there, or are they gone!

    s.e. minn
    Posts: 642

    I’d give the area a day or two to settle down, i think they’ll be back.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    No harm done and you can get right back in the stand. If an areas not hunted hard most deer have a short memory and if nothing happens to them they forget. I use a turkey diaphragm call and thats saved me more then once. Just yelp a few times and they think its a turkey making the sounds and go right back to what their doing. It doesn’t take long to learn how to use one, give it a try because it works.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    I do use the diaphragm turkey calls…. I quite frankly never thought of using it for this situation. That’s a good idea Thanks

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885


    Wait until it gets really dark and then slink down as quiet as possible. My experience is that when its really dark, the deer don’t spook that bad from something walking, especially if it is walking away. Most times, they stay put. The trick is not letting them catch you coming down the ladder.

    If you can get out and on the ground without being detected I think you’re good. Although I have had to sit for a couple hours after dark more than a few times when that wasn’t possible. I’ve walked within 50 yards of deer in fields with not much moon and they just step out of your way.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885


    Stay until they leave.
    You did it right. There’s nothing you can do except slither out as quite as possible

    You? Ya right. The only deer around you would be laying there with blood bubbles foaming out of their mouth.

    OtterTail Cty/Minnetrista
    Posts: 265

    i never thought of a turkey call either. that is a great idea!!
    How about when you bust them out of a field before first light in the morning? My buddy thought you should maybe grunt at them…

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22973

    At my old place, I used to have to bump deer out of the field, so I could get to my wheeler… just about every night. They kept coming back… I think you shoudl be fine

    The mud puddle in western Ks
    Posts: 347

    We have a lot of coyotes around here and they have a bad habit of barking in the evening.We just give a couple yips like pups barking and the deer usaully wander off .Never seems to bother them bad just makes themnervous enought to find somewhere else to bed so we can leave

    Posts: 2389

    I’ve grunt/snort wheezed at deer before to get them to clear out… I figure why not. Sometimes guys use it to bring big bucks in while hunting, why not use it to clear the deer at night? Its part of their regular sounds they hear anyway??

    Maybe not a great idea (??) but its worked in the past. Who knows how far the deer ran though??

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Its not the same situation but when going in early and theres deer in the fields and you think they seen you but don’t quite know what you are yet, I found out if you walk a direct line right twards them I think they think its another deer. I know its hard for them to make out what a guy is so they keep watching. When I walk right twards them they go back too feeding right away, then I can walk sideways. Walking sideways even in the dark and they can make out the leg movement of a hunter, Its happened to me. Walking directly twards them is when I quit getting busted. Keep you eyes on them and when their not looking then you can walk sideways. Just keep the arm movement to a minimum, its worked for me quite a few times. When theres enough light for them to barely make you out they will and it doesn’t work. Heres another thing I’ve done to see what they will react to, keep in mind this may not be safe in some areas so be very careful of poachers. I put my rattling rack on top of my head and bent over walking twards them in darkness and I’ve gotten close enough for a bow shot, 30 yrds maybe. Do this safely if you do because of nighttime poachers but it may be a way to get out of the woods at night. Be careful!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    Well I am happy to say that I did go right back in there on Sunday morning and there were deer coming from all directions but none in my shooting lanes. But the fact that they came back was good news to me. I however, did take my turkey call with me as I think that is a safe and idea…..

    s.e. minn
    Posts: 642



    Stay until they leave.
    You did it right. There’s nothing you can do except slither out as quite as possible

    You? Ya right. The only deer around you would be laying there with blood bubbles foaming out of their mouth.

    Thats right!!

    Posts: 30

    Carry a few rocks in your pocket. Throw the rocks at them, they will never know where it came from or what it was. They will be clueless.

    West Salem, WI
    Posts: 427

    flatfish – I think you need to move your stand. Sounds like they know where your shooting lanes are…

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104


    flatfish – I think you need to move your stand. Sounds like they know where your shooting lanes are…

    I was starting to think your right… but I also thought deer had lousy memories. But Sunday morning I had the crappiest looking buck ever 22 yards from me, broadside. I almost took him out… right side totally broken off, left side looked like a large cork-screw banana sorry dude. Maybe I should have culled him from the gene pool.
    It’s way late in the season, time to one.

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