New bow purchase

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    After last weekend, I realized it won’t be another 10 years + before I go bow hunting again. Haven’t slept good all week thinking about next year already…..

    I definitely feel the need to upgrade from my dinosaur. Lots of great memories with that little bow, but it’s time.

    So, I know, go shoot a bunch of bows. I’ll be the first to admit, I’ve got expensive tastes. However, then reality sets in and budget comes to mind. So, while I’d love to go buy a top of line Bowtech/Mathews/PSE etc… I’m not sure I can get that by the budget commitee this year.

    Looking for names of what I would consider up and coming bow companies or what some would consider tier 2. Quest, Bear, Diamaond??????

    I would like this bow to be something primarily used for whitetail, but could also double as an elk bow if I ever get a tag drawn out west.

    Any and all info/suggestions welcome!!

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440

    Kooty, My buddy Red just bought a mission,not sure which one. I’ll find out for ya. The price was very reasonable and it is a screamer!!!He shot two does with it on sat and it made one heck of a mess out of those girls!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    One word…. Used. There are lots of deals to be had… get a top line bow, but only pay 1/2 price Remember, the minute you walk out of the Archery Shop with a new one… it is used… HOYT

    Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    Right now is a great time to either watch ebay or head to the nearest archery shop. Dealers are trying to sell the remaining stock of last years models and they are getting lots of trade-in/consignments for guys upgrading. Most bow manufactures have or are in the process of rolling out their new lines. Good luck shopping

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Used. A lot of guys only have a bow a year or two then move on.

    Otherwise, I second the Missions Bow for a “Tier 2” bow. The last few years they have been raved about on price and performance.

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    If you want a huge choice of used bows check out the classifieds on there are tons of deals to be had.

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440

    Kooty, you could also just follow Rob around the woods and maybe he’ll drop one of his by accident!

    Posts: 2389

    I like Diamond, simply because I love my Bowtech (parent company). I have no experience with the Diamonds, other than my 5 y.o. has one.

    Big G is right on. Look for used – trading post, classifieds, archery shops, etc. Some great bows out there. A lot of guys just want to buy new each year and sell the old ones. Someone else mentioned going into Gander or Scheels or something and talking to the bowhunting staff guys. They might have something for you, too.

    Good luck!

    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 974

    Like others have said, now is a great time to shop used. You just need to make sure on the draw length. Bow mfg’s don’t measure draw lengths the same. Hoyt’s 29″ draw might feel different to say Mathews 29″ draw. Also, most bow mfg’s warranties are good for the original owner. A few things to look at if buying used.

    My suggestion would be to go to a Pro Shop and shoot as many bows as you can. Shoot the bows in your price range and shoot some of the “flag ship bows”, you just might be surprised how well some of the “affordable” bows shoot compared to the top dollar “flag ship bows”.

    As far as brands, these days, there are no “bad bows”. Some just offer things that others don’t. My opinion is that people these days get way to caught up in all the marketing hype. I’m kinda of a bow whore and go thru 2-3 different bows a year and to be perfectly honest, I have yet to find one I didnt like. There are just some things that one likes more than the other and that is different for every person.

    Sorry for the rambling but you just need get out and shoot as many bows as you can and buy the one that you like , not the one that everyone else is shooting.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    DD is right and I’m guessing if you haven’t bow hunted in 10 years and picked up your old bow and hunted this year, any bow now days will feel good in your hands compared to the ol rust bucket.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    My Jennings Barracuda single cam was the S back in 97…. Nice little bow for chasing the mule deer all over creation. However, after drawing back my friends Diamond’s with 80% let off last weekend. Wow.

    There are a ton of used stuff out there, so that’s probably the route I’m going. A new one I like the looks of is the AlienX. Nice compact bow with decent brace height. Looks to me, if I spend $750, I can get into a really nice setup that will likely require minor accessory tweaking.

    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 974

    The Alien is an awesome shooter.

    Good luck with whatever you choose!

    Posts: 8

    alien x great bow at a great price $649.99 i love mine

    Posts: 1493


    Kooty, My buddy Red just bought a mission,not sure which one. I’ll find out for ya. The price was very reasonable and it is a screamer!!!He shot two does with it on sat and it made one heck of a mess out of those girls!

    Probably the Eliminator, thats what I got also. Unbelievably reasonable for as deadly accurate and fast as it is…

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    PM sent

    NW Metro
    Posts: 238

    Kooty, got a Diamond Black Ice if you want to stop over and fling a few to see how you like it.

    Oh and there might be a beer or two in the fridge.

    Posts: 593

    I just got my Mission Eliminator this summer! The best bow I have ever had, for price and quality!

    Posts: 29

    I just bought a new bow this summer, retiring my 14 year old buckmaster. budget was a factor, I shot all the big dollar bows and midrange bows and ended up buying the Hoyt Turbowhawk. The price was 550.00 with a 50$ rebate, the bow feels great and shoots very forgiving. I shoot at 63 lbs. and am getting 270 fps. with my set-up. consider Hoyt they are good bows.

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    Did you get one?

    mark winkels
    Posts: 350

    I like my Parker and I did not drop a lot of coin on it.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    No, but definitely fell in love with that AlienX. Wow!! Plus, I like to be different than everyone else. So, this could be the bow for me. More than I want to spend, but I’ll just have to be more diligent in saving the pennies. I’m gonna go back after all the 2010 stuff comes in also. Had the kids today, so didn’t get as much time shooting as I would have liked. Mark was very nice and helpful!!

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    Mark is a great guy and he and Jason have my Switchback XT shooting bullet holes. I’m waiting to see the new BowTech Destroyer myself.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Stopped at Cabelas today to kill some time before the Queens kicked off. Shot the Diamond Black ice, Iceman and the PSE Bowmadness. Definitely like the Black ice, but not as much as the AlienX. So, it’s still top on my list. Gonna go find some Bowtechs and Mathews to shoot next weekend.

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