2nd Chance Or Not ?

  • bigjigger2002
    Pearlcity , Illinois
    Posts: 471

    I was hunting last Sunday morning and had seen a couple of small bucks and a few does.After an hour of seeing nothing I decided to get down out of my tree stand and go to a different timber.I let my bow down and climbed down tthe tree and when I went to unhook my bow off the string I heard a noise behind me and turned around in time to see a huge buck taking off through the 3ft. tall grass that was back behind me, I thought to myself dumb ,if you would of stayed 5 more minutes.I don’t know if the buck watched me climb down the tree or if he just seen me at the bottom of the tree unhooking my bow. My question is would you guys try and hunt this buck from the same stand hoping he didn’t pick me out up in the tree, or would you try and make a ground set up in the timber that is somewhat close to where the buck is heading after he comes out of the tall grass into the timber.Any sugestions?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    That sucks… Honestly, I would move my stand maybe 30 yards… try to set up where you think he came from. Good luck

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Thats what I would too G. If theres a tree even closer to where he came from and he won’t wind you that might be even better yet. If not, change stand positions within shooting range.

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    It’s also possible that he was bedded there the whole time?? He may never even seen you but noticed some unatural sounds thus exiting. He could already be a mile away or still on your piece. If you’ve got does and feed he’ll probably be back. Moving a stand can also cause a disturbance so a windy mid day move is best.


    I agree with Copper, very good chance the buck was bedded there the whole time. good luck.

    Pearlcity , Illinois
    Posts: 471

    Thanks guys for all the sugestions,this is a narrow timber probably 100 yards wide and 200 yards long and my stand was 10 yards from the property line on the north end and thats where he came from was the north behind me. So I can’t get any closer to that fenceline. But I’m pretyy sure I know where he was heading to and that was south into a bedding area not to far away I’ve got a spot picked out to put aclimber in after I sit Sat.morning in another stand just to see if he comes in and that stand is about 30 yards away from the stand I got busted in but I think it’s to far out of the way for where this big boy was heading. Thats why I think I’ll put up my climber in this other location about 30 yards farther in and to the east not the west like my other stand.

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