I’m hunting a very nice 10 that my brother saw a few days ago on this property. I haven’t been able to get him on my cams but he showed up out of nowhere. 3 mph wind predicted from the NW so I gave it another shot this morning. The wind picked up and chanded coming from the north.. As I sat in my stand realizing this change what NOT at all good for me I decided to pull the plug and get the H*ll out of there. Right now I’m second guessing my decision but I’m so worried that I may only get one encounter with this deer and surely don’t want him to wind me or to be too cautious in the future because if it. Gonna head back tonight if the conditions are right. Did i make the right call or would have it been best just to be there in hopes that he doesn’t come from that direction??
November 4, 2009 at 3:44 pm