New Mathews are out!

  • life1978
    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    The new Mathews bows are out for 2010! Except for their rumored new target bow which is due in December. Anyone check them out yet besides be? I don’t much care for the new waffle iron rise look but man does the Z7 draw nice. I think they beat the reezen here I’m looking forward to trying the new 7 inch braced height monster too. Also they now allow to choose the color of a lot of your bow acessories too. Pretty cool.

    eagan, mn
    Posts: 178

    did you see the riser design of the new hoyt carbon matrix? now thats a funky looking bow!

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    I want to know how the thing shoots!

    My Reezen does a great job in almost all categories, but can get a bit “squirrely” on me if my form is less than stellar. I might be looking to upgrade again if this bow proves a bit more forgiving.


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    That brings me to a question. I’ve been out of the “gear” side of bow hunting for a while now. All the new bows on the market are ridiculously fast. Huge let offs, etc….. Are they “harder” to shoot from the perspective of tuning, shooter form, arrow length, broadhead flight etc… Just how forgiving is this equipment?

    I’ll be buying something new over the summer. No brands in mind other than I plan to shoot all the top name stuff. However, I’m also going to look for a year or two old model. Heck, my 1997 Jennings Barracuda single cam is dinosaur. Anything will be a major upgrade for me.

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    I still prefer atleast a 7 inch brace height being I’m a newer shooter and my form isn’t always great. The longer axle to axle bows in 6 inch brace are pretty for giving. Anything I’ve shot under that If I screw up look out. That being said I still shoot a Switchback XT. I’ve been looking for another longer axle to axle bow and am pretty sure I like the Hoyt AM35 and the Maxxis 35. I’ve been shooting those to a lot lately to see which I like better.

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