Ok, I did not want to cloud or take away from my report and Stacie’s harvest, so I thought I would start another thread about these broad heads.
It is no secret here that I’m a fan of the Rage broad heads. Although I was a little hesitant when these new 40 KE heads came out from Rage designed for the lighter poundage and lower KE bows that are often used by Kids and Women. Stacie pulls back 48 lbs with her DXT and I always had some concern in her using a normal 3 blade Rage expandable head as you hear all the bad penetration stories about Rages, even though I have never witnessed these horror stories myself in my experience with Rages over the last couple of years. This Fall I had put these new 40KE heads by Rage on her arrows but was still concerned, because them being new and her unable to test these on a live deer or animal until now.
I have to say that I’m extremely impressed with the results and utter damage of this broad head after witnessing her harvest on Saturday.
She hit this deer just about perfect slightly quartering away and tore up both lungs and penetrated out the far shoulder. The arrow did not go completely through, but penetrated enough to go through the vitals and stick out through the far shoulder, with only 48 lbs of draw weight.
After replaying the video footage you could tell it was not a complete pass through as the arrow was sticking out her left side, but you could not see that the broad head really did penetrate and come out the opposite shoulder until we recovered the deer. The other thing I noticed on the fotage was blood instantly pumping out of the entry wound. The entry hole was a huge slit, that I was meaning to measure but would guess it in the 2-2.5″ range. The blood trail was incredibly easy to follow as we pretty much just walked along right up to the deer and she even had blood at the point of impact, which is always a good thing. The flight is the same as her field tips, which gives her and me extra confidence when the moment of truth arrives. I know it is only one deer, but so far I’m impressed with these Rage 40 KE broad heads out of Stacie’s set up and she will continue to use them, because confidence in my equipment ( in this case her equipment) gives me the edge I/WE need.