Sighting in your bow??

  • benjisdad
    Newton, Iowa
    Posts: 39

    Hey gang…got a question to pose to you experienced shooters/hunters. I have a Hoyt Stryker compound bow. I recently purchased six new arrows, Sportsmans Vital Impact brand, 400 series with 100g tips. I have a friend that set my bow up for me, checked everything and helped me set my sights. I shot my bow yesterday and noticed that my shots are up and left, grouping is pretty good, but not hitting where I’m aiming. I took some pics that I’ll post here, the 1st set of are my shots at 10 yards then the last two are from 20 yards. I’m gonna shoot again tomorrow without making any changes, but if I’m in the same general area, I’ll make adjustments needed.

    Any input you all have would be great!!.. Thanks…

    The aiming point is just to the right of the shot groups, and the 20 yarders are right and down.

    Eden Prairie, MN
    Posts: 108

    For now it looks like you are on the right track. Based on the grouping like you say it looks pretty good. So a few adjustments and you should have it dialed in.

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    the best thing you can do now is to move your sight. If its shooting left, move it left. Shooting high, move it high. “Follow the arrow”. Try holding the bow in your hand so that your knuckles are at a 45 degree angle. This will prevent bow torque left and right. There are a lot of factors that determine inaccuracy so not only one, but a combination might be causing the problem One last suggestion would be to make sure youre squared shouldered and straight up and down!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Always move your pins to where the arrows are hitting. Your groups are good. Knock an arrow and with the sights where they are now go ahead and shoot. If it hits top left again move the sight twards where the arrow hits. Move the frame that holds the pins up first, then shoot another arrow. If the arrows are getting closer to where your aiming like the bullseye then your headed the right direction. Get your elevation first by moving the frame up, then get your windage by moving the pins to the left. If the arrows start going any other direction then move the pins twards where the arrows are hitting. If the arrows keep wandering make sure all the screws are tight in the sight assembly then start over.

    Posts: 44

    Yeah if you are shooting high move your pin up. Shooting left move it to the left. shooting right move it right.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 2080


    the best thing you can do now is to move your sight. If its shooting left, move it left. Shooting high, move it high. “Follow the arrow”. Try holding the bow in your hand so that your knuckles are at a 45 degree angle. This will prevent bow torque left and right. There are a lot of factors that determine inaccuracy so not only one, but a combination might be causing the problem One last suggestion would be to make sure youre squared shouldered and straight up and down!


    Newton, Iowa
    Posts: 39

    Thanks for the input fella’s… .. I was gonna leave them as is, but based on what I’ve seen the last two times out, I will go ahead and make that move. I’ll start off with one shot and then adjust from there…I’ll take pics and post them for you all to see how I get em adjusted in.. thanks again!!..

    Newton, Iowa
    Posts: 39

    Hey gang!!

    Well made some adjustments and wanted to post the results here for you all to take a look at. I was kinda fatigued by the time I got em dialed in, but not a bad grouping at any rate. Didn’t make any adjustments to the 20 yard pin again cuz I was plum tuckered.. LOL.. I’ll try that tomorrow. I’m going to take three shots at 10 yards as soon as I start tomorrow, make sure I’m still good, then adjust for 20. Thanks all for your help!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    It does take a little time to zero in and to talk the arm and shoulders into going along with it.

    Marshfield WI.
    Posts: 479


    Hey gang!!

    Well made some adjustments and wanted to post the results here for you all to take a look at. I was kinda fatigued by the time I got em dialed in, but not a bad grouping at any rate. Didn’t make any adjustments to the 20 yard pin again cuz I was plum tuckered.. LOL.. I’ll try that tomorrow. I’m going to take three shots at 10 yards as soon as I start tomorrow, make sure I’m still good, then adjust for 20. Thanks all for your help!

    Lookin Good!

    Practice and seeing results like this only brings confidence. When you’re hunkering down on that buck that you have been dreaming about – when that moment comes just picture that dot on his chest with your arrow in it!

    Pull back relax and let it happen

    Good Luck this Fall!

    Newton, Iowa
    Posts: 39

    Well went out today and shot at 20 yards… wow were my sights off!…I didn’t make any changes to them, I’m thinking there is something else going on with the bow and the arrows that I’m gonna needs hands on help with. I’ll uploade some pics of how I nock an arrow and the arrow rest. Maybe there is something there you experienced shooters can see. I sure was frustrated.. 10 yard shots weren’t too bad, but the 20 yarders…UGH!!.. The arrow rest came with the bow, the arrows had the vanes already on them as is when i bought them. Thanks for your input all..

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    I would suggest trying to find a arrow stiffness chart online somewhere. The arrow spine might be too soft for your draw weight which will cause the arrow to flex too much once shot. The arrow chart will tell you what arrows to shoot at a draw length and draw weight.
    Also, i was always taught to shoot with odd vane up when shooting a drop away rest Especially with blazers since they have more profile.
    One last thing which is important is your grip, try and replicate it like this picture. I draw my bow like this so i know its perfect every time, A 45 degree angle

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22973

    Just looking at the pics… the vanes on that arrow are messed up…. bent/misformed !!! The more you back up, the more the arrow will affect impact area. This will call off all bets in my book…

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786


    Just looking at the pics… the vanes on that arrow are messed up…. bent/misformed !!! The more you back up, the more the arrow will affect impact area. This will call off all bets in my book…

    Yup the vanes look bad. I’d get em redone and then have the bow paper tuned also.

    Newton, Iowa
    Posts: 39

    Yeah..I kinda noticed that too..I’m thinking I’ll have to go out and buy some new veins… I’m also going to turn the nock in the arrow so that the white vein is down.. I’ve probably hosed up my sites since trying to adjust.. I’ve got a friend that can help though…thanks for the input all!…

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Id get a new rest, I know its a fall away but is it hitting the vanes. 10 too 1 your vanes are hitting the rest by the time the arrow goes over it. Buy a new rest, the new ones are narrower and the vanes won’t make contact with it, buy a fall away rest so it will drop down out of the path of the arrow when you release and it won’t mess the flight up. Everybody I know down this way shoots with the string loop on the bottom of the string knocks, you might want to put the string loop below them. I can’t see but does the string have a clamped on stop, if not it may be sliding on the string throwing each shot off. Buy a good rear peep sight. If you can go to a Proshop and let them look at it and if you can spend the money put good equipment on your bow, you’ll be glad you did, there’s hardly any second bests when it come to good quality sights and rests. You may be surprised how it will shoot after you’ve done these things. You’ll see after you’ve shot with it awhile and your getting better by the saying you can drive nails with it, they really are that accurate.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22973

    I was looking at the loop too. My string loop is an actual “string loop” and my arrow nocks in the middle. This one looks like one of the plastic ones. Actual string loops are simple to do… and cheap

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Can anyone else see what I’m seeing. It looks to me like the drop away rest needs to be pushed back to the right or twards the riser so the arrow tip faces more to the right. It looks like the arrow knock is to the right and the tip is to the left. Can you push or slide the rest back twards the riser a little, to center the arrow so it runs parallel to the grooved rest base. Try to move it back twards the riser and that will bring your arrows back to the right, an Allen wrench might do it, it might not be your sights at all. That’s what I meant to G, the loop straddels the knock, bottom of the loop is below the knocking point and the top of the loop is above, not both above.

    Benjisdad I’ve got to ask this and I don’t want it to sound insulting because that’s not the way its meant but are you pulling the rest up and laying the arrow into the V instead of where its laying in the picture, on the back of the rest. If not you have to pull the rest up so it locks, It then falls down when you release the arrow. If you are the drop away rest might be too worn to fall at the right time, then its time to get a new rest. If you need to, take it to a Proshop because sometimes some rests can be adjusted for sensitivity so they fall right away.

    (Correction),,,I can see now the rest is the type that is pulled up by the cord and falls when the string come forward after its released dropping the rest.

    Marshfield WI.
    Posts: 479

    Just assuming that your rest is coming up all the way every time, what I would like you to try before spending a lot of money is.

    Rotate the vanes on your arrow so that the white is straight up, from looking at the pics your vanes are almost set up as if your were shooting fingers only that the cock vane is aiming in instead of out – you have a orange vane – the outside vane that hitting and leaving marks on the rest as well as starting to wrinkle – this is contact that we will try to eliminate thus improving your accuracy.

    Next – take a pencil and mark a reference line on the ( Head of the lower limb bolt) – now take a allen wrench and back this limb bolt out (counter clockwise) Only a ½ of a turn – watch your mark as a reference
    If you are confused as to what the limb bolt is please ask

    Now try shooting a few rounds paying attention to how tight your groups look in reference to what you had before.

    Now rotate the cock vane – white so that it’s straight down and run a series of rounds and compare to your other rounds to see if up is better then down

    Once the groups are tight we can then move the sight pins to get the arrows hitting the dot at the correct yardages

    I wish we were a little closer so I could give you a hand, You can try to seek a good active archery shop close to home also a short trip to a reputable shop can save you hours of frustration and regrets.

    There’s tons of little things that can dictate ones accuracy and it always tough to see these over the web but sometimes improvements can happen

    It could be things as simple as
    Draw length to short or to long
    Anchor points
    Tension in the release hand
    Poundage in relation to arrows
    And the bow tune

    Let me know what happens with your groups – to see if they are improving after the adjustments or if they are going the other way

    Remember – when trouble shooting always relax aim float the pin over your target and let the shot happen don’t force it, over aim and run a check list of all your steps while shooting, just pull back relax and let the shot happen – this will give you the cleanest results.

    I hope some of this helps


    Newton, Iowa
    Posts: 39

    Man you guys are awesome!!!… .. I have been reading your replies and can’t thank you all enough for the input. One thing I know I need to do right away is turn the knock so that the white vain is down. I’m sure my vains are hitting the arrow rest with I release it. I’ve only shot these new ones a for a few days and the vaines are already getting beat up.

    I have a friend that owns a shop here in Iowa and plan on meeting with him on Sunday and see if we can’t get this tuned in. I’ll post pics of the new shots when i get it done and let you know how it goes.. Thanks again for all your help.. Now…anyone wanna help put me on a deer??..LOL..

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