If you shoot a deer and the hit was not “quite” perfect, lets say liver or guts what would you do? I would say weather warranted leave it at least a couple of hours then go back. We had a situation last night where a buddy calls us to help him track his deer he just hit. He told us it was hit way back. We indicated that he should let it go overnight (was supposed to get down to 47) and we would help him this morning. He didn’t want to do that and was going to look for it right away. We had to drive 30 min to get there. He was out looking when we got there. We joined up and we kicked her up almost right away. We once again said we should wait until morning. But he wanted to keep going. We tracked about an hour and we were still on blood when he just gave up….
I hope he went back this morning but I doubt it. I just think that is wrong.
September 13, 2009 at 5:08 pm