You can’t tell me influence from the media and a name doesn’t play a role in buying your Rage and Mathews
Honestly, no it did not. I shot the Rage before it became popular. Being real skeptical and having sworn off mechanicals, but still keeping an open mind before I tried Rage. I tried them because of the design, their proposed field tip flight and for less drag in windy conditions of the Dakotas. For a couple of years I used Rage heads only on does, because I did not want to risk losing a Trophy of a lifetime and did not have confidence in them. I harvested 5 does before making the switch and hunt with them full time, because of what I witnessed first hand from these heads. I did my own testing and did not Fall into the media hype as you put it or watch some steel barrel testing on you tube filmed under a controlled environment and edited to show possible biased results. My testing was live in the field under real conditions with no bias.
For your Mathews comment and then stating that you like Hoyt???
Seriously, what is the difference?? Hoyt is as popular and sells as expensive bows if not more then Mathews? So, if you like Hoyt and Hoyt feels good in Michael Waddels, Big G’s, and your hand that must mean, my Mathews Bow sucks, it feels like crap in my hand, I can’t hit a barn with it and I’m just paying for a name???? Protour, when I bought my bow many years ago (I’m still shooting a Mathews Legacy) I shot many bows at that time. I picked Legacy because of the fact it was smooth drawing, forgiving, and simply just felt better in my hand and at full draw then any other bow I tried. Since then I have shot quite a few new bows from all Manufacturers (Parker, Hoyt, PSE, & BOWTECH), Mathews included and and have only found one bow that I liked about the same as my Legacy. That bow sits in the case and I never shoot it (Switch back XT). Why? I have more confidence in my Legacy, then any other bow. To say that I’m influenced my Media and other influences when you don’t know me, is a big reach. No matter my equipment, if I don’t have confidence in it I don’t use it period, no matter what it is. The way I build confidence is off seeing it perform. 
ProTour, your right, this site is totally based on opinions and what makes this site tick. What these guys and myself are trying to explain to you is just because one bow or broad head manufacturer, etc. works for you and you have confidence in it, it does not mean all the of the other manufacturers are junk and will not work out of somebody elses set up. Honestly, in my opinion in today’s market it is hard to find a bad bow. It is each bow has their pluses and minuses and different feels. What feels good to me doesn’t mean it will work for Big G, GMAN or you. Honestly, this whole discussion is a Ford vs. Chevy. vs Dodge (just for you Big G) debate. I like Ford, Big G is a Dodge guy, and we’ll cal GMAN a Chevy guy. Just because I like Ford and it works for me, it does not mean Dodge or Chevy is a piece of Crap. I drive Fords for my own reasons and Big G drives Dodge for his own reasons. Both get the job done and provide us with things we like.
SIMPLY PUT PROTOUR: This site is all about opinions, but even better defined would be members like hearing about first hand experiences. That is what people want to know. They also know just because I like Rage broad heads, it does not means every other broad head is junk. I dare you to look back and try to find where I ever said a certain broad head or bow was junk. I will give my opinion on what works for me, until I’m blue in the face, but do not put down other manufacturers unless I have a bad first hand experience with something and someone asks me about it. That is the difference, people are trying to show you. Have you ever personally shot a Tru-Fire Switch blade and see it perform first hand? If so, that is the information people want to hear, not that you saw a video of one shot and it had poor penetration. Or in your original post here you said you do not like the head design and it has many faults. Well, what are those faults in design and why do you not like it? That is the information people want to hear. Give some information to back up your opinion.
I’m not trying to put you down or argue with you and say my stuff is better. I’m simply just trying to show you the point people are trying to make to you.