Tru-Fire switch blade broadhead

  • rvrat
    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    I was looking at these broad heads and reading some reviews on them…has anyone used them or picked them up and planning on using them this year? I still use Muzzy’s but always looking for field tip accurecy broadheads…Im also not going to use something with an o ring that can weather and have issues with.. I may have to pick up a pack and play with them…any input would be great…thanks..Jay

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    i would never shoot these broad heads IMHO. I have seen these tested on the steel drum and videos of deer/hogs and penetration looks terrible!! Plus the design just has way to many faults i think…but this is just my opinion. The head just doesn’t appeal and looks failing to me

    Central WI
    Posts: 594

    Jay, I hear ya. I love the idea of shooting field tips and switching to a broadhead without changing your set up. I have tried several different kinds of mechanical heads always looking for the next best thing out there and continue to go back to the fixed muzzys. I am debating on trying the rage next year, but am still hesitant. What I finally started doing this past week was to experiment with several different weighted field tips. I found with my set up is that an 85 grain field tip flies identical to my 75 grain 3 blade muzzies. I would suggest experimenting with different weight field tips and see if you can match them to your broadheads. It sure is a lot cheaper buying field tips verses spending the money on broadheads that you might not end up using.

    Posts: 6

    I have tried many of the expandable in the years past and lost the three deer i shot with them. I said never again but the the RAGE 2 BLADE came along and it works wonderfull. I harvested 3 does with them last year and none went over 40 yards. LUCK I don,t think so. I,am not that lucky. really tore them up and i pull 60#.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Welcome to bowkiller!

    I agree, I swore off mechanical heads until the Rage came along and now I shoot the 3 blade!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Drelan, I also shoot a 75 grain rocky mountain and they fly the same as a 75 gr. target tip. I didn’t have to adjust anything and that’s at 40 yrds. The deer I have shot with the 75 gr. broadhead bled really well leaving a good blood trail.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22954

    Jay, I was looking at them too…. I swore off mechanicals after some bad juju with some Spitfires….. This seemed to fit what I was looking for… something that flies like a fieldpoint…. and retains its shape like a fixed blade head after impact and penetration. Did you get some ??? Any opinions on them yet ??? BTW, I put ZERO stock in shooting at a barrel… much like I do shooting at a cinder block…. What exactly does that prove ??? I don’t know any animals that I hunt, that have bones as hard as steel ???

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    the point is durability and if the heads can withstand something stronger than bone, then they will be able to stand bone! What i have found is that the broadheads that dont perform well on the steel drum test, tend to not perform well on deer.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22954

    Oh… I see… more margin for error with a tuffer broadhead. Makes sense

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374


    the point is durability and if the heads can withstand something stronger than bone, then they will be able to stand bone! What i have found is that the broadheads that dont perform well on the steel drum test, tend to not perform well on deer.

    Don’t take this the wrong way but dude you put down EVERY head someone post, If you are shooting all these heads into a drum what is your point ? I’m not real sure many will hold up to that and talk about a waste of money. Bone and steel ??? You gotta be kidding me ANY WELL PLACED ARROW AND HEAD WILL PUT DOWN ANY ANIMAL

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Post deleted by Rob Stenger

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    Im sorry it bugs me when people are inauthentic and follow crowds Like w/ mathews and Rage. I have seen way to many people ignore their gut feeling about products and shoot something that the majority of people shoot to either feel accepted or because it has the name

    Do i think i shoot the best equipment? absolutely not!! The reason why i shoot certain products is that they are different, inexpensive, and im not paying for a name You can’t tell me influence from the media and a name doesn’t play a role in buying your Rage and Mathews

    Im curious to know what you guys think other people think when you tell them you shoot popular name brands? You think they’ll think about materialism….

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466


    If you are shooting all these heads into a drum what is your point ? I’m not real sure many will hold up to that and talk about a waste of money. Bone and steel ??? You gotta be kidding me ANY WELL PLACED ARROW AND HEAD WILL PUT DOWN ANY ANIMAL

    How do you not see the point in this test?? i agree any well placed arrow regardless of head will kill a deer. The question is, will you find it depending on blood, am i right? Like i said, if it will withstand a drum, it will withstand bone, pure and simple…

    I thought we were able to be opinionated on this site apparently we can’t spread knowledge about peoples experiences and try to save people agony from poor equipment

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22954

    First off,let me start by saying I shoot a HOYT (best bow for me) my broadhead of choice is Steelforce Sabertooth. I don’t know how they stack up hitting a barrel… really don’t care… a broadhead needs to be strong enough to handle hide/bones/flesh etc… not a barrel !!! I know they kill deer At what point does a barrel not do a bone justice ??? In other words, is it easier to shoot through a barrel or 3 1/2 inches of bone ??? I like to think, I killed the deer… not the broadhead I don’t think their is anything wrong with opinions on this site (I have way too many ) but to continually rundown anything I am not currently using, would probably start to erode my credibility… I buy what I think is best for me Doesn’t mean its good Carte Blanc for everyone. Especially when a guy just asks for an opinion if somebody has tried em… I don’t know that I would tell him under no circumstances would I use them…. without ever even trying them …??? Don’t know how I could ??? Like I said earlier… a broadhead needs to perform on deer… if it can kill a barrel… I don’t see in the near future, that this is any Hunt I would apply for.

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466


    would you rather KNOW if your broadhead is durable or question it? Im trying to explain that this is just a test of durability on the heads and thats it…

    Im giving my opinion about the heads, if i didn’t, you would be shooting heads that could cost you game and malfunction am i right?? i think people are misinterpreting my attitude about them. i think that no matter how i responded, people would have said that i bash equipment either way…
    I was responding to the mathews post by rob but he deleted it, so im not attacking you about hoyt, i happen to like hoyt

    Posts: 6441

    just got this off my trail camera now its crystal clear to me why we practice on barrels

    have the throw away the mathews now

    any broadhead ideas???

    Moorhead, Minnesota
    Posts: 150

    Hey Guys,
    I used the Switchblade last year and I kind of like the idea of the blades opening on contact. But I just didn’t like having to push the head up because the blades would always open. Thats why after heavy debating on what broadheads to shoot this year I decided to try Spitfire XP’s. I used to shoot Scorpian XP’s and have no problem
    finding deer I shot three bucks and one doe with Scorps and none went more than 50 yards. ON one buck the broadhead blasted through the shoulder bone and got the heart and that is no guff.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22954

    That’s just it… I KNOW mine are durable… to the tune of 5 deer recovered(most expiring with-in site) of 5 shot, since I switched to them BTW.. after I use a broadhead on a deer, they are retired to light duty… Yotes and the like

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374

    I’m done bow hunting my stuff is junk … On a better note I’m going to test drive a car today after work… My first test will be driving it into a wall at 70… If it holds up I will be over to pick you up Gut

    Posts: 6441


    I’m done bow hunting my stuff is junk … On a better note I’m going to test drive a car today after work… My first test will be driving it into a wall at 70… If it holds up I will be over to pick you up Gut

    im in

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    You can’t tell me influence from the media and a name doesn’t play a role in buying your Rage and Mathews

    Honestly, no it did not. I shot the Rage before it became popular. Being real skeptical and having sworn off mechanicals, but still keeping an open mind before I tried Rage. I tried them because of the design, their proposed field tip flight and for less drag in windy conditions of the Dakotas. For a couple of years I used Rage heads only on does, because I did not want to risk losing a Trophy of a lifetime and did not have confidence in them. I harvested 5 does before making the switch and hunt with them full time, because of what I witnessed first hand from these heads. I did my own testing and did not Fall into the media hype as you put it or watch some steel barrel testing on you tube filmed under a controlled environment and edited to show possible biased results. My testing was live in the field under real conditions with no bias.

    For your Mathews comment and then stating that you like Hoyt??? Seriously, what is the difference?? Hoyt is as popular and sells as expensive bows if not more then Mathews? So, if you like Hoyt and Hoyt feels good in Michael Waddels, Big G’s, and your hand that must mean, my Mathews Bow sucks, it feels like crap in my hand, I can’t hit a barn with it and I’m just paying for a name???? Protour, when I bought my bow many years ago (I’m still shooting a Mathews Legacy) I shot many bows at that time. I picked Legacy because of the fact it was smooth drawing, forgiving, and simply just felt better in my hand and at full draw then any other bow I tried. Since then I have shot quite a few new bows from all Manufacturers (Parker, Hoyt, PSE, & BOWTECH), Mathews included and and have only found one bow that I liked about the same as my Legacy. That bow sits in the case and I never shoot it (Switch back XT). Why? I have more confidence in my Legacy, then any other bow. To say that I’m influenced my Media and other influences when you don’t know me, is a big reach. No matter my equipment, if I don’t have confidence in it I don’t use it period, no matter what it is. The way I build confidence is off seeing it perform.

    ProTour, your right, this site is totally based on opinions and what makes this site tick. What these guys and myself are trying to explain to you is just because one bow or broad head manufacturer, etc. works for you and you have confidence in it, it does not mean all the of the other manufacturers are junk and will not work out of somebody elses set up. Honestly, in my opinion in today’s market it is hard to find a bad bow. It is each bow has their pluses and minuses and different feels. What feels good to me doesn’t mean it will work for Big G, GMAN or you. Honestly, this whole discussion is a Ford vs. Chevy. vs Dodge (just for you Big G) debate. I like Ford, Big G is a Dodge guy, and we’ll cal GMAN a Chevy guy. Just because I like Ford and it works for me, it does not mean Dodge or Chevy is a piece of Crap. I drive Fords for my own reasons and Big G drives Dodge for his own reasons. Both get the job done and provide us with things we like.

    SIMPLY PUT PROTOUR: This site is all about opinions, but even better defined would be members like hearing about first hand experiences. That is what people want to know. They also know just because I like Rage broad heads, it does not means every other broad head is junk. I dare you to look back and try to find where I ever said a certain broad head or bow was junk. I will give my opinion on what works for me, until I’m blue in the face, but do not put down other manufacturers unless I have a bad first hand experience with something and someone asks me about it. That is the difference, people are trying to show you. Have you ever personally shot a Tru-Fire Switch blade and see it perform first hand? If so, that is the information people want to hear, not that you saw a video of one shot and it had poor penetration. Or in your original post here you said you do not like the head design and it has many faults. Well, what are those faults in design and why do you not like it? That is the information people want to hear. Give some information to back up your opinion.

    I’m not trying to put you down or argue with you and say my stuff is better. I’m simply just trying to show you the point people are trying to make to you.

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374

    ProTour, your right, this site is totally based on opinions and what makes this site tick. What these guys and myself are trying to explain to you is just because one bow or broad head manufacturer, etc. works for you and you have confidence in it, it does not mean all the of the other manufacturers are junk and will not work out of somebody elses set up. Honestly, in my opinion in today’s market it is hard to find a bad bow. It is each bow has their pluses and minuses and different feels. What feels good to me doesn’t mean it will work for Big G, GMAN or you. Honestly, this whole discussion is a Ford vs. Chevy. vs Dodge (just for you Big G) debate. I like Ford, Big G is a Dodge guy, and we’ll cal GMAN a Chevy guy. Just because I like Ford and it works for me, it does not mean Dodge or Chevy is a piece of Crap. I drive Fords for my own reasons and Big G drives Dodge for his own reasons. Both get the job done and provide us with things we like.

    Rob Fords are junk and so are Dodge …. Chevy RULES

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    I don’t buy the statement that media does not have an influence on peoples decisions, or behaviors as a matter of fact. Thats saying the same thing that children aren’t influenced by violent characters on television!!! Every commercial, testimony, and story reinforces your decisions on shooting these popular products whether they are positive or negative, you have got to be kidding me if you are this naive I study psychology and research methods and what EVERYONE IS SAYING IS BIASED. In EVERY test, EVERY experiment, there is reliability and validity issues and of course your opinion, my opinion, and the steel drum test is biased and of course they are under controlled settings!!! There is never a PERFECT experiment PERIOD!! There are controlled settings in every experiment because they are trying to find a factor that affects the variable. In this case, quality DEPENDS on durability and how are they going to measure these variables, a steel drum!! You can put in performance in there as well, but the overall picture is this, the more durable and better the broadhead, the better it will be overall!!!

    In regards to your comment about people choosing their equipment, I never said it was JUNK!!! I have heard flaw after flaw about this broadhead, even a member just posted his thoughts on the head And of course im not going to have first hand experiences w/ something i wouldn’t shoot in the first place, why? because i wouldn’t risk losing an animal over it!!!! Im not going to be a complete jerk and tell someone who i respect to shoot something when i know they don’t perform well

    One reason why i give my opinion is because there are people out there and on this site that don’t know their equipment!! They go out and buy broadheads, arrows, bows, etc w/o knowing the important facts such as spine stiffness for the bow(draw weight and draw length), and then they complain about this and that!
    People are being completely naive if they don’t believe this because i KNOW people on this site have witnessed this
    Rob, i know you know your equipment and so do some people on this site. But some people on this site do not and will follow you to the ends of the earth about your opinion on equipment, decisions, etc regardless of their own beliefs. It seems like im the first person to voice what i think about something, and people are reacting like its a monumental change!! If you are interested in the video here it is You will see what i am talking about and compare these heads with other well recommended, durable heads, but its your decision ultimately

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22954

    I will try to put my spin on this….

    “Every commercial, testimony, and story reinforces your decisions on shooting these popular products whether they are positive or negative, you have got to be kidding me if you are this naive”

    For action… there is a reaction. This statement contradicts ? You say right in here, positive or negative… it is what each of us take from advertising that matters… not what I take and force on everyone, or what you take and force on everyone… IF what you are saying is true about advertising, then there would only be 1 bow manufacturer…. Matthews.

    “There are controlled settings in every experiment because they are trying to find a factor that affects the variable. In this case, quality DEPENDS on durability and how are they going to measure these variables, a steel drum!! You can put in performance in there as well, but the overall picture is this, the more durable and better the broadhead, the better it will be overall!!!”

    Here again…in the case of my broadhead… durability is just 1 factor that goes into my choice… it is more important to me, to have a broadhead that is sharp, flies true and is effective on hide, flesh and the occasional bone( if your constantly worried about hitting a shoulder, practice a little more or wait for a better shot) how the broadhead “looks” after I have shot it, is way down on the scale for me, proof is in the dead deer. I have yet to find one, that looked like it hit a barrel…

    “One reason why i give my opinion is because there are people out there and on this site that don’t know their equipment!! They go out and buy broadheads, arrows, bows, etc w/o knowing the important facts such as spine stiffness for the bow(draw weight and draw length), and then they complain about this and that!
    People are being completely naive if they don’t believe this because i KNOW people on this site have witnessed this”

    Interesting…. I guess if I thought someone didn’t know what they were doing… I wouldn’t call it out in a post for everyone to see, but might rather PM them… this site is about attracting new people to the sport we love. I would venture to guess, we all learned as we went, in this thing we call bowhunting. I know I sure wouldn’t post things such as how dumb something is or how worthless it is, even if I think it…. I have sent MANY a PM to someone and gave them my honest opinion… or shared my experience… nobody needs to be made to feel a heel because of their choice of equipment.

    OK I am done with this one.

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    positive and negative reinforcement is a method of learning. You learn by receiving or having a reinforcer taken away

    I admit, ive shot a few does in the shoulder and i don’t consider it a bad shot! Why? because the lungs extend in front of the shoulder and if you have a broadhead that can penetrate the shoulder blade, that is a good broadhead in every aspect! Either way, mistakes happen when bow hunting and i dont know about you, but i would want a head that can break through it

    I never called it a dumb decision to shoot these heads! But prove me wrong, i would love to see you next to a deer you harvested using these heads But if you want to shoot them, be my guest!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22954



    positive and negative reinforcement is a method of learning. You learn by receiving or having a reinforcer taken away

    I admit, ive shot a few does in the shoulder and i don’t consider it a bad shot! Why? because the lungs extend in front of the shoulder and if you have a broadhead that can penetrate the shoulder blade, that is a good broadhead in every aspect! Either way, mistakes happen when bow hunting and i dont know about you, but i would want a head that can break through it

    I never called it a dumb decision to shoot these heads! But prove me wrong, i would love to see you next to a deer you harvested using these heads But if you want to shoot them, be my guest!

    Again I go back to my original opinion… shooting through a barrel… has nothing to do with shooting through a deer bone. What if they come out with a broadhead, that can penetrate a 1 inch thick piece of steel ? Does it make it the “bomb” ??? Not if when pulling 70 lbs, your arrow drops 2 feet at 20 yards, compared to your practice field tip…. IMHO the barrel test means exactly that… you can shoot a barrel with it… doesn’t mean squat about a deer. I am guessing that “test” on YouTube was a little biased (I know which manufacturer was touting) Funny how they only showed the feral hogs being shot with 1 of the broadheads in question ???? Didn’t show theirs at all….. I pick up on the little stuff

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    X 2 , Good read Big G



    You can’t tell me influence from the media and a name doesn’t play a role in buying your Rage and Mathews

    Protour, you original statement as copied above was Media played a roll in me buying Rage and Mathews. Again as I stated it did not. Never did I say media does not influence peoples decisions, as we all know that is true.


    i would never shoot these broad heads IMHO. I have seen these tested on the steel drum and videos of deer/hogs and penetration looks terrible!! Plus the design just has way to many faults i think…but this is just my opinion. The head just doesn’t appeal and looks failing to me

    And I was wrong, you never called thes broadheads “junk”, but I think your statement could easily be summarized that way. I was not just talking broad heads in my last post but in general. This is my last post here and personally I tried to help, but I give up.

    Posts: 6441

    bottom line

    mathews reezen
    G5 strikers
    test passed

    p.s. no barrels were injured during this hunt

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