I would like to thank all of you who participate on this website for the entertaining and educational content. I am currently deployed with the 34th ID (Red Bull) Division out of Minnesota and have been reading post daily in my free time. I will be missing this years bow season, but feel like I am still “in the game” as I read comments and look at pictures from trail cams, videos ect. Yesterday, I decided it was time to join the group. Also of note, I want to let all of you know what we have going on in Basra, Iraq. Prior to the deployment, one of our senior leaders and I were talking about setting up a bow range for the troops to utilize in their free time. I made one phone call to Cabelas HQ in Sidney NE, and two weeks later had over $7000 worth of blocks, 3-D targets, stands and even 6 complete bow packages delivered to our unit. We will be doing a grand opening ceremony in conjuntion with the MN bow opener. So, please keep and eye out for updates in the news media. I look forward to interacting with all of you.

Posts: 24