My Name is Lip Ripper and I too…..

  • robstenger
    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    My name is Lip Ripper and I too am a WUSS like Gutone4me. I have my bow set at and only pull back 62 lbs.

    Wheeeeew.. I feel better now. Thanks Gut for helping me take the first step. The first step is admitting you have a problem or that you are a WUSS like Gut & now Me. C’mon others who else does not max it out @ 70 lbs??? It’s ok to tell us.

    Posts: 6441

    sooo thats how were are going play …..

    here come the turkey pics on the trail camera post in the deer hunting forum

    are you fat too???

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I’m serious. I too only pull back 62 lbs and I was wondering who else does not max it out????.

    Can I pull 70 lbs? Well yes, My Switchback is set at 70lbs, but I prefer pulling 62lbs what my Legacy is set @.

    This was just a lil funner way of asking this way.

    EDIT: Well, I guess I used to be pretty skinny, but the term used to be should probably be higlighted. However, I have just lost 10 lbs in the last week or so and now am 10 pounds below my life high of 177 lb..

    Posts: 6441

    i wont even buy a bow with 70 lb limbs anymore really i see no need for it and anyone whos sat at sub zero temps for a couple hours knows how hard it can be to draw it back undetected 60 lb limbs 1 crank back off and game

    EDIT 177 lbs how did you not blow away in the wind when you were fishing

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    Currently pulling 63.


    Posts: 6441

    ive seen joels bow think maybe the cavemen 1st used it for dinosaur so 63 is plenty for anything around here

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I hear ya Gut. Besides hunitng the rut my favorite time to hunt is late season and minimal moving for 3 hours in below zero temps can turn the strongest guy into a Wuss. You don’t even realize you have lost your muscle control until you are forced to do it when the big boy steps out. Almost anyone can pull back 70 lbs and be dead accurate at an indoor range or in the middle of summer with a T-shirt on while being loose. Let me see how many people can do the same after sitting motionless in below zero temps for a few hours? Todays bows are so efficient and fast, even though 70 lbs is faster then 60 or so, but speed don’t mean nothing if you cant hit your target in the extremes conditions the Upper Midwest dishes out or even being able to pull your bow back and then hope you can do it with out being detected. I like my chances with 62 lbs. It seems like no big deal, but trust me I have been there. At that time I was about 8 years younger and in way better shape.

    Joel, you didn’t say your name first, so it really didn’t count..

    Gut, I lost 10, so now I’m down below 167 lbs.

    North Metro, MN
    Posts: 143

    Currently pulling 64. Add me to the fat wuss list too

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Good Job Budaman. Doesn’t it feel good?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    My name is big G and I currently have the V-Tech cranked up to 70 lbs. I go bear hunting in less than 3 weeks. Usually, I pull 65 lbs, for whitetail… don’t know if that makes me wuss or not…. BTW, I weighed a 167 lbs in 9th grade….

    big G

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136


    My name is big G and I currently have the V-Tech cranked up to 70 lbs. I go bear hunting in less than 3 weeks. Usually, I pull 65 lbs, for whitetail… don’t know if that makes me wuss or not…. BTW, I weighed a 167 lbs in 9th grade….

    big G

    V-tech……isn’t that a snowmobile?


    Posts: 6441



    My name is big G and I currently have the V-Tech cranked up to 70 lbs. I go bear hunting in less than 3 weeks. Usually, I pull 65 lbs, for whitetail… don’t know if that makes me wuss or not…. BTW, I weighed a 167 lbs in 9th grade….

    big G

    V-tech……isn’t that a snowmobile?


    Posts: 6441


    BTW, I weighed a 167 lbs in 9th grade

    thats about the last time i saw 167 also

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    Joel, let me guess…. another intimidated mattys bow shooter…. we only slam what we envy….

    big G

    Posts: 6441


    Joel, let me guess…. another intimidated mattys bow shooter…. we only slam what we envy….

    big G

    no matty for joel YET

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    Are you laying on the propoganda too gut ??? I don’t speak much for my bow…. it does most of the talkin’

    big G

    Posts: 6441


    Are you laying on the propoganda too gut ??? I don’t speak much for my bow…. it does most of the talkin’

    big G

    while im at schaffers i could pick up some string silencers for both of you

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    If you hear my string…. it’s too late for anything at that point…

    big G

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    what the hell am I doing up at 1:15 AM ????

    big G

    Posts: 6441


    what the hell am I doing up at 1:15 AM ????

    big G

    me too

    West Central Wisconsin
    Posts: 244

    My bow is set at 70lbs.. If you would shoot your deer a little earlier in the season you wouldn’t be sitting in sub-zero temperatures! I’m out ice fishing when it gets that cold!!!

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    64 lbs for me You could be like Bill Winke and shoot 85 lbs

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100


    Joel, let me guess…. another intimidated mattys bow shooter…. we only slam what we envy….

    big G

    Nope…. Joel doesn’t shoot a mathews because they didn’t make them back then when he bought his bow.

    I pull 62.1 lbs – therefore I’m not as big a WUSS as Lip Ripper.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 2080

    Looks like the Mathews boys are beatin ya up a little G, I got your back brother! My HOYT is currently set at 65lbs .

    Posts: 74

    I currently pull 48 lbs…but I promise that both Lip and I weigh less than you Brad

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374


    I currently pull 48 lbs…but I promise that both Lip and I weigh less than you Brad

    Staice, don’t make Rob look good we all know you pull 62 lbs and Rob is the one that pulls the 48 lbs …

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Gman what you pull 30lbs?? Or are you to afraid to say?

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100


    I currently pull 48 lbs…but I promise that both Lip and I weigh less than you Brad

    Hey… I can’t help it…. brains are heavy….

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846



    I currently pull 48 lbs…but I promise that both Lip and I weigh less than you Brad

    Hey… I can’t help it…. brains are heavy….

    I must be “really really” smart….

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374


    Gman what you pull 30lbs?? Or are you to afraid to say?

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